My Turn to Dance

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"Shhh." Phil said as he quietly got out of bed, Dan stirring next to him. "Go back to sleep."

Dan was exhausted, and he knew Phil was, too, but he was too tired to protest as Phil got up, making the bed groan. He haphazardly murmured, "Okay." As Phil closed the door behind him.

He could hear Phil's tired foot steps in the adjacent room. They paused for a moment and he could tell that Phil was trying to be quiet as heard the door slowly creak open and closed. The quiet patter of Phil's feet on the carpeted hall floor started again. Dan knew Phil would go downstairs to the kitchen then head to the lounge as was the 2am routine.

Rolling over, Dan grabbed the pillow next to him; it was still warm and smelled of Phil's soap. Smiling, Dan hugged the pillow as he heard the television turn on. He could hear Phil quietly murmuring to whatever he had put on.

Still smiling, Dan sat up in bed. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 2:30am. Sitting his phone down, he reached for the pajama pants he'd left on the floor next to the bed. Yawning, he opened the door, quietly closing it behind him. He slowly crept his way toward the lounge, where he knew Phil was waiting.

As he walked quietly down the stairs, he could hear Phil's voice getting a little bit louder.

The light from the lounge lit up the hallway just enough for Dan to see where he was going, last time he'd tripped over his own feet on the last step and ended up sprawled out face down in the entryway, much to Phil's amused delight.

Phil was still murmuring quietly, and giggling a little bit as Dan quietly walked toward the dim light. He couldn't help but smile to himself as he stood in the doorway watching Phil.


Phil rocked quietly back and forth in the chair they had recently added to their lounge, the chair quietly creaking with every motion. He looked down in utter disbelief, murmuring with a smile.

He couldn't help but think to himself how absolutely perfect she was. Even though she wasn't biologically theirs, she was still the perfect combination of the two of them, something that had drawn then to her since the first moment they saw her. A tiny, beautiful creature with Dan's curly brown hobbit hair that Phil loved so much and Phil's eyes that Dan thought were such a beautiful shade of blue laced with little flecks of green and yellow.

Phil held her to his chest as she suckled the bottle he held in his right hand. She looked so content with her tiny hands tangled in his rumpled shirt.

She looked up at him with eyes that seemed to glisten with happiness and wonder. He could tell she was already wise about the world and what it could possibly hold for her. He only hoped that she never knew the utter anguish that Dan had of questioning their very existence; an occurrence that had lessened in frequency since her arrival. Phil would often joke that it was simply because Dan was to exhausted to contemplate anything outside of sleep and Dan would laugh in agreement.

Phil put the bottle down on the table and draped the little girl over his shoulder, patting her back gently until she burped, spitting formula down his back.

Picking her up he giggled, then grimaced as he the warm, wet, sticky feeling of her spit up seeped into his shirt.

Phil heard a quiet laugh coming from the door. Slightly startled, he looked over to see Dan standing there, his unruly hobbit hair falling in his eyes. An amused smirk had already spread across his face.


Dan giggled as he saw their daughter dribble down Phil's back.

Taking the baby off of his shoulder, Phil turned toward Dan.

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