Dance With Me

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Dan looked in the mirror trying to fix is his "hobbit hair". He really did hate it, but, every time he complained, Phil would just look at him with those blue-green-yellow eyes of his and say, "I think it's cute." He would inevitably give up and leave it to it's natural curly self, much to Phil's delight. He could never argue with Phil on this one. No matter how hard he tried, Phil always won when it came to Dan's hair.

Dan's phone dinged as a text from Phil came through. He smiled as he read it in Phil's melodic voice. "Can't wait to see you later."

Phil had called him earlier and said to meet him at their favorite restaurant for dinner tonight. Dan was nervous; it was so unlike Phil to do something without planning at least a week in advance. But, Dan liked the spontaneity himself, so he wouldn't complain if Phil wanted to try.

Looking at the time, Dan sighed as he realised that if he didn't leave soon he'd be later than normal. Grabbing his jacket and keys, he headed out to catch his taxi.


Phil waited nervously for Dan to arrive. He couldn't help but fidget with the fringe that kept falling in front of his eyes. He needed a hair cut and he knew it. But, he kept putting it off; he knew Dan thought that little bit of fringe in his eyes was adorable.

As Phil sat playing with his fringe, the waiter walked up to his table.

"Are you ready to order, sir?" The waiter asked, startling Phil out of his daydream.

"Oh, sorry." Phil replied. "I'm actually waiting for someone. But, can I get a glass of wine until he gets here?"

"I will return in one minute with your drink." The waiter replied.


Dan was fidgeting in he back of the taxi. Traffic was a nightmare and he knew he was going to be late, even for himself. He felt horrible about making Phil wait for him. Looking at the time, he dialed Phil's number.


The waiter had just brought Phil his wine as his phone went off, startling him. Recognising Dan's ringtone, he slid the bar to answer.


"Hi. I'm so sorry. I'm almost there, but, traffic is a nightmare." Dan said apologetically.

"It's fine." Phil said, smiling at the familiar phrase. Dan was always late and always apologized for it. "Do you want me to order you anything?"

Phil knew him so well, Dan thought. "Yeah. You know me. Order me something amazing." He said smiling.

"OK. I'll see you in a few minutes." Phil replied, even more nervous than before.

Hanging up, Phil motioned for the waiter and ordered Dan's favorite drink.


A few minutes later, just as Dan's cocktail arrived, Phil could see him awkwardly talking to the hostess as she pointed him in Phil's direction. Phil smiled to himself at Dan's awkwardness. It was so cute, and one of the many reasons Phil had fallen in love with him.

Dan was wearing his black collared shirt and skinny jeans, typical of himself. Phil could tell he had been trying to get his curls to straighten and had failed miserably.

As Dan reached the table, Phil stood up, revealing his own dress shirt and skinny jeans. He was also wearing a tie that Dan could see was slightly askew and drove him nuts.

Phil hugged Dan and gave him a kiss. Stepping back to sit down, Dan couldn't help himself and fixed Phil's tie, apologizing as he did so. Phil didn't mind, he knew things being even slightly off annoyed Dan.

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