Cody and I went back to our daily workouts and training, though they weren't as intense as when we had first started. I hung out a lot with Chester and Michael, or well, they hung out while I played with little Abby. I was slowly but surely teaching her how to read, while she taught me the name of every single doll or animal toy she owned.

Beck and I also hung out a lot more often, it usually ending with one of the other's calling either him or I away. The feeling that I had gotten back when we had both crashed on the floor in his room arose more than once, but each time I changed whatever subject, or made up an excuse to leave, which would effectively squash the feeling. Until it came back again, at least.

It wasn't until four days after Mabel's sentencing that anything interesting happened. Beck and I were sitting close to each other on the couch. We had started out at opposite sides and gradually got close enough that our arms were brushing up against each other, some how. Cody was at the weaponry teaching some of the people who had decided they wanted to learn how to fight a little bit of moves, and Chester went to Michael's house, though he said very firmly I wasn't allowed to come this time.

Sam had been gone most of the morning, but as soon as he opened the door, I leapt away from Beck like a little girl who had been caught on a chair reaching for the cookie jar. My cheeks heated up with a blush, though I was uncertain as to why I was acting so weirdly. I heard Beck sigh to the side of me, but instead looked at Sam.

"Hey," I said lamely.

He looked over at me, his brown hair was mussed and poking up in a messy, stressed sort of fashion. This paired with the small dark circles under his eyes gave me a little insight to the way he basically fell into the couch, between Beck and I. Beck glared a little bit at him, but the irritation faded almost instantly.

Beck sat up, "Hey man are you feeling alright?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing with worry.

"Yeah," Sam said and rubbed his face tiredly. Leo plotted over and sniffed at Sam's knees, Sam in turn sat up enough to start petting his wolf. He did this for a few moments before continuing, "there's just some sort of illness running around, and without proper equipment, we're left guessing based off of the symptoms as to what it is, and so far three people have fallen ill, with different symptoms. So we're unsure if it's something going around, or a coincidence."

I frowned and moved to sit criss crossed, "It can't be a coincidence, I mean, three people in one day?"

Sam nodded, "That's pretty much what I said, but the doc wants to wait until tomorrow and see if anyone else is sick, or if these people develop anything new before making any assumptions."

Beck looked over at me before concentrating on Sam once more, "Is he giving anyone any antibiotics?" he inquired.

Sam nodded, "Just the generic cold medicine, it seems to be doing the trick but if this is anything more than that, the medicine won't work for very long."

I played with the tip of my hair, "Need any help?" I offered.

Sam grinned warmly in my direction, "Nah, not tonight, it's getting late. We should probably make dinner and head to bed. If you want to come with me tomorrow to help out though, that'd be good. I'm sure that Doctor Venson would love to see you," he sat back against the couch as Leo walked away, headed up the stairs to where I knew Chip was sleeping on my bed.

"He hasn't seen you since Mabel's trial, and even then he didn't get the chance to talk to you very much," Sam added as a sort of afterthought.

"I think I will go with you," I replied, and then stood up heading towards the kitchen.

Beck cleared his throat, "I'll go as well... Kodi, you don't have to make dinner yet, let's finish the movie?"

I turned back around, ready to protest when Cody walked through the door, kicking off his shoes in the entryway, "I'm making dinner," he said, firmly when he caught sight of me hovering in the kitchen doorframe.

I sighed, knowing that I'd have better chances dressing a zombie in a tutu, then I would convincing this lot that it wasn't a bother for me to cook, "You lot act like I'm a terrible cook," I complained as I made my way back over to the couch.

Beck caught my hand and pulled me down onto the couch in the small space between him and the arm. I ended up closer than I was before Sam showed up, and Beck held onto my hand a little longer than was needed. Sam, not noticing the small exchange, that seemed for some reason a big thing in my mind, smiled.

"It's not that at all... but Cody cooks better than you, and he offered, so we're letting him be our slave for the night," he winked cheerfully.

There was a gruff remark from the kitchen, something about Samantha, but Sam must not have heard it because he was already engrossed into Adam Sandler and his attempt to marry a younger girl by taking her and his fake family to Hawaii so his fake son could swim with the dolphins.

It was a couple of minutes before I could calm my nerves enough to fully relax and get back into the movie. At which point Beck decided to sling his arm over the back of the couch, barely brushing my shoulders. He didn't move even when Sam fell asleep, nor when Cody came in with our plates, and kicked Sam awake.

What Walks Among Us (book one)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora