Jonathan Dos Santos

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Dedicated to TrillPrincess
(Meline POV)
Me and the girls were going to Wembley stadium to sing. This was it. After hours of vocal practice, stretching and repetitively going over the song, we were finally ready.
"Does my make up look ok?" I asked, looking at myself through the glass mirror.
"Yes Meline!" They all yelled, used to my stubborn personality. I have been with them for five years after all.
"Band MSM please way your way to the arena. You will be performing in a minute." Well it's now or never.
"Let's go girls!!! Let's make sure these people will remember us! Good luck!" I shouted. We placed our hands on top of each other and yelled "banddddd MSM!" and cheered, lifting all our arms in the air.
"Everybody please let's welcome MSM!" We entered the huge stadium one by one, all stood in a line and with a huge smile on each of our faces. I felt like today was going to be special. No, much different to any other performances. I don't know why though.
"What's on your mind?"Kaylee, my longest known best friend that I had in the band, had asked. She always knew when something was either wrong with me or was bugging me.
"I'm ok" I shrugged and nodded off.
"I know something's bugging you and am going to ask you after the performance ok? Whether you like it or not!" She whispered, feeling her breath on my ear. I didn't reply back because there wasn't really anything else to say. Once I entered, I looked around and spotted my friends and family but no sign of Jonathan, my boyfriend. Why wasn't he there? Was he ill? Did he not bother coming? Where was he? All these questions were circling my mind. Whenever he was playing, I would always buy front seats and cheer him on, making sure that he would see me. But, like I said, something felt off and will make sure that I get to the bottom of this even if it took a lot of effort. Jon wasn't usually like this! Once the stage went completely silent, we started to sing our song which recently came out off our debut album called "Sweet Thought".
(After the performance)
Everybody clapped, whooped and cheered, making us smile and seem proud of ourselves. I felt happy but still had this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.
The stadium filled with silence. What was going on? They all seemed to stare at me or what seem to be like me. All of a sudden, I felt two strong arms wrap around me from behind. I turned around. I couldn't believe my eyes! It was Jonathan! What was he doing here on stage? We both turned around to face everyone. Jonathan grabbed the microphone from me. What did he think that he was doing. As I was feeling curious, I let him.
"Hey baby" he said. After all that happened, all he said was hey baby?! Even though I felt a bit pissed on the inside, I smiled just to keep the spectators entertained. He moved the microphone towards me.
"Hey" I replied plainly. He could tell that I was pissed yet he continued. He sighed,filling the stadium with his voice.
"I know that you are a bit annoyed with me because you didn't see me sat down along with your friends and family but I have a specific reason for that my beautiful girlfriend or shall I say-" he paused to kneel down on one knee, pick out a blue box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful 10 karat silver and jade diamond ring. I gasped.
"Meline, ever since that day I met you and saw that pretty face at the Celine club, I wanted her. I wanted to please her, spoil her and never keep her away from me. I know you might find that a bit weird but that was how much I was obsessed with you and still am to this day.From that moment when your parents disagreed with me and told me to stay away from you, I still remember those days when I climbed up those horrible, muddy gutters, snuck through the window and cuddle with you until you would sleep just to keep you close. Even though we would have our arguments, we would always make up. Just as the saying goes: "So much arguments just bring you closer".At first, I didn't admit this but I realised that the from the day I met you, everything was finally going right. So will you Meline (your surname) marry me Jonathan Dos Santos?" I felt hot tears stream down my reddening cheeks. I covered my face to wipe my salty tears. I looked him in the eye and mumbled a "yes" into the microphone.
"What was that?" Jonathan teased earning a laugh from the audience.
"Yes!" I yelled more enthusiastically. He put the microphone down, placed the ring on my hand and kissed me passionately wrapping my arms around his neck. Everybody cheered in the background. My heart was beating so fast I could only just hear the cheers from the rest of my band.
"Jonathan Dos Santos and Meline Dos Santos everybody!" The commentator almost screamed from above. He lifted our arms in the air and waved goodbye to the audience.
Jonathan got his phone out and took a selfie with me to put on Instagram.
" I will always love you and treat you as a queen. 😘❤️👍💕❤️❤️😍😜👌 .No puedo esperar para la boda de mi vida! (Can't wait for the wedding of my life!) @jona2santos & @ y/i/n ( don't know your Instagram name Meline sorry!)

Sorry everybody for not updating for a while. I know I say this all the time but this time I was ill so I didn't even go on my phone this time! Please vote and comment! ✌️👍 Love to you all my readers! ❤️👍

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