:Chapter 12: My Heart Is Like A Stallion, They Love It More When It's Broken

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Dan stared up at his ceiling with a grin plastered across his face.

Phil asked him out.

Phil Lester asked him to be his boyfriend.

Dan's cheeks were still extremely pink from the incident, even though it happened a few hours ago.

He felt like squealing like a teenage girl in all honestly.

...and he did when he thought about the kiss.

It didn't have 'fireworks' or anything odd like that.

No, It just felt....right.

When he was wrapped in Phil's arms he felt like he was at home.

That was the best date of his life.


"Morning faggot."Dugg smirked as Dan went into class.

Dan flashed him a smile and sat down.

Dugg's eyebrows raised in shock.

"You're in a good mood today. Did you get fucked up the arse last night?"He asked obviously trying to regain his composure.

Dan simply nodded, further throwing off the bully.

Dugg chuckled uncomfortably, not exactly knowing how to respond to Dan's cooperation.

Before he could try to figure out his next insult, the professor called for everyone to take a seat.

Dan smirked as Dugg shuffled away.

He knew Dugg would get a grip by the end of class, but the momentary freedom was a relief.

Even if it meant agreeing with his stupid comments.

After scanning the classroom, Dan's eyes locked on his two 'friends' sitting in the front of the room.

Paul was leaned towards Emma's desk, smirking in a flirty manor that had her giggling.

They had given up on Dan long ago, that much was obvious.

It wasn't as if they were close friends, but Dan still sort of missed their company every once in a while.

He quickly scolded himself for thinking like this and turned his attention to a bird sitting in the window, seeking shelter from the rain.

I can't be mad at them for leaving....I'm the one who pushed them away....

......But if they really cared they would have stayed.

Dan sighed and rested his chin onto his hand, watching the rain paint the world grey.

This is what his life felt like; Grey.

Bleak, cold and boring.


But I have Phil now. Dan reminded himself and instantly he felt a little better, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Phil," Dan breathed heavily, his depressed mood lifting slightly.

"Hey Dan! You okay?"Phil asked in surprise.

Dan was currently sitting by himself at a picnic table near the back of the campus, His dark blue umbrella was shielding him from the relentless rain.

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