Chapter 13

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I groaned internally as Britt pulled me away from Tyler. We had just finished talking about everything that had happened between he and I this morning. You would have thought she would have allowed me to have my 'time' with him. "I promise, girl...this will all be worth it. He won't be able to keep his hands off of you after this."

I laughed. "Like that's ever been a problem before..."

I walked onto the bus behind her and was greeted by two different women. "Lauren - this is the boys' hair stylist. She's going to give you a fresh dye job." Britt pointed towards one of the women. "And I may have brought in someone to give us facials. I thought we could use a little pampering."

I sighed happily. "I think you're my new best friend." I couldn't remember my last trip to the hairdresser, for two reasons. One, because I never had time - I was always bartending. And two, because I was preoccupied with other bills and wants to spend that kind of money on hair. I sat down in the makeshift chair in the middle of the bus. The stylist took my hair out of it's messy bun and let it cascade down my shoulders and chest.

"I'm thinking a brown to light brown ombré. We'll keep the long length - it's beautiful. But let's add some fun layers." I shrugged and nodded - not really caring what she did to my hair... I just desperately needed it done. My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text from Kelsea.

Landed early - see you soon, bitch ;) xoxo

I had butterflies in my stomach at the thought of Kelsea meeting Tyler. What would she think about all of this? Kelsea was always the brutally honest one, of all my friends. She didn't care how it would make you feel, she was going to say it anyway. A true Bostonian. She and I go back all the way back. We planned our weddings together when we were seven. She was there the day I got my heartbroken when I was in middle school after "going out" with a boy for a week. She was there when I crashed my first car - and helped me make up a story to tell my parents so I didn't get in trouble. She was there with bail money when I got caught skinny dipping in the ocean. She was by my side when I held my Mom's hand as she took her final breath. She was on the first flight down to Georgia after my breakup. And now she was on her way to meet my newest man.

My phone buzzed, again. This time is was Tyler.

Please come to the bus. You don't need a makeover, you're beautiful already.

I blushed and smiled. I loved how he showered me with compliments every second of the day - always telling me how beautiful I am. Just the way a man should treat a woman.

Considering I have enough foil in my hair to pick up a Boston radio station signal - I would say now isn't a great time. :( I'll be done before you know it!

Brittney snapped me out of my thoughts by handing me a glass of champagne. "Are you going to be traveling to the next show with us?"

I frowned and shook my head. "I can't. I need to go home and work or else there is no way I could pay my bills this month. I've already taken so much time off. Plus, I'm trying to save up and buy myself a truck."

Brittney laid down on the couch across from me and allowed the Esthetician begin her facial. "Why don't you try and find a job that let's you travel with us? The boys are going to start getting busy. Don't get me wrong - Ty will make it work whether you're on the road with us or not. But it's easier for everyone if you're here. You don't have to worry about what he's doing. And he gets to see you whenever he wants."

I shrugged. "I'm not exactly sure what kind of job I would be good at that would allow me to work from the road. Plus, I'm not even sure I'm ready to live with him yet. I mean, that's essentially what we'd be doing."

Sipping on Fireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें