Chapter 9

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I sighed in content as I felt Tyler's lips gently nipping at my neck and collarbone. "If this is how you're going to wake me up every morning, sign me up." I spoke softly with my eyes still closed.

He brushed my hair away from my neck and continued to shower me with soft small nips, "I can think of even better ways..."

I laughed lightly and pushed him away playfully while sitting up slowly holding my pounding head. "How long was I out?"

He handed me a glass of water and some Tylenol. "Long enough to miss the Sound Check and Meet & Greet."

"Jack Daniels and I are breaking up." I stretched and stood up from the bed. "I blame liquid courage for my little episode earlier." I fiddled with the hem of my shirt, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry."

He walked over to me slowly and quietly. My stomach turned anxiously. He tucked my hair behind my ear and rested his hand on the base of my neck. "Don't say sorry for something you know we both wanted to happen."

"But those girls--" He placed his index finger to my lips.

"Those girls will get over it." He placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Stop worrying and lets go have some fun." He laced his fingers through mine and pulled me behind him. I sucked in a deep breath and said a silent prayer before my boot hit the dirt under the bus. I felt Tyler stop and give my hand an encouraging squeeze. "Are you ready?" I nodded slowly.

"It's about time you two crazy kids made an appearance." BK winked our way. He put Tyler in a chokehold and pulled him away from me. "Get your head in the game, man. It's show time."

Brittney linked her arm with mine and handed me a drink. "You ready?"

I exhaled deeply. "As ready as I'll ever be." Brittney and I walked closely behind the boys, who were goofing off and getting themselves hyped for the show. As we neared the stage, the crowd got louder and louder, giving me goosebumps. The boys and the band began to huddle together in a group. BK grabbed Britt's hand and pulled her into the huddle.

"Get in here, baby!" Tyler ushered me into the huddle. His bandmate grabbed one hand while Tyler grabbed the other. Everyone bowed their heads in prayer. "Dear Lord we ask that you keep us safe out there. Thank you for continuing to bless us every day. We love you. Let's have a great time out there. Amen." The roar of the crowd made the ground rumble under my boots. My stomach turned anxiously for Tyler. He turned to me when everyone broke away. "Are you going to be ok out here?"

I shook my head and smiled, "Of course!"

His hands grasped the side of my face. "The second you have a problem with anyone or anything, you go straight to security. Understand?" I nodded between his hands. "I'll be back in a couple of hours." His smile grew the second the stage lights dimmed and the crowd roared. "Thank you for coming tonight. I'll be playing for you." He placed a hard kiss on my lips and swatted my ass before making his way to the stage. He smirked back at me with one last wink before running up the stage, grabbing a mic from a roadie's hand.

From the second his boot stepped foot on the stage and the first chord was strummed, I had stars in my eyes. How could this possibly be someone's job? From the second he sang into the mic, not one person was sitting down. He had the whole audience captivated. "Impressive, right?" Britt nudged my ribs. All I could do was nod my head. I was completely speechless. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Welcome to the family!"

As if Tyler wasn't sexy already, I could not keep my eyes off of him move effortlessly across the stage. He connected with everyone he could possibly reach.

My stomach would flutter each time he would sneak a glance back at me. 'That is mine?!' I thought to myself. I used this time to reflect on the past month of my life. One day, I was sitting at home eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's by myself and the next day, I met a man that I thought didn't even know I existed. I tried to think of all the ways my life would be changing in the next few weeks. Would I be traveling with him? How would I be able to keep my job? Would his fans accept me? Would they be mad? Probably a mixture of both...

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