Chapter 11

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My phone startled me awake at 7am, I looked at the caller ID - Kelsea. I groaned and rolled over, peeling myself out from underneath Tyler's arm. "It's 7am on a Sunday - what could you possibly want?" I yawned into the phone.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Kelsea roared on the other end. She. Was. Mad.

"Excuse me?" I sat up on my forearm and rubbed my eyes. Tyler stirred next to me.

"When were you going to tell me that you were fucking Tyler Hubbard?!" she exclaimed. I heard Tyler chuckle and roll over so his back was to me, clearly he was awake enough to hear the shrieks on the other end.

I rolled my eyes, "Kels, can you take it down a few notches?"

"Not until you fucking explain this to me!"

I sat up in bed and whispered, "First of all, I'm not fucking Tyler Hubbard. Second of all, can you please keep it down?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end. "Wait a second...are you with him right now?" She had no boundaries...or filter for that matter.

"Yes." Was all I could say before the phone was filled with her screams. "Kels, if you don't stop screaming - I'm hanging up." All I could pick out from her screams were little phrases: "Oh my god", "How did this happen?", "You bitch - you didn't tell me!" I gave her a countdown to get her shit together before I would hang up. "3....2....1...." The other end was silent. "Feel better now?" I asked.

"When...did this...happen?" She asked out of breath.

I shrugged and looked over at Tyler, who was now wide awake. I couldn't help but smile and bite my lip. "I dont know, a month ago."

"And you couldn't call me and tell me?" She sounded offended.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just didn't even know what this was until last night."

"What's he like?" I could hear her smiling from the other end.

"Kels...not now." I warned.

"When can I come visit?!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to speak, but Tyler grabbed my phone. "If you can get your best friend to call out sick tonight, I'll have a car pick you up in an hour, take you to the airport, and fly you down here for the show tonight." He waited for a response, but got nothing. He shrugged and handed the phone back to me, "Maybe she fainted?" He immediately began texting someone on his phone - probably his tour manager.

"Kels?" I called into the phone - no response. "KELSEA!"

"Was that...him?" Her voice was so soft, I could barely recognize it.


"Ohmygod. If you do not call out of work, I will personally come down there and shoot you." I sighed heavily and punched Tyler in the arm. He snickered and chugged a bottle of water. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..." she begged over and over again.

"ALRIGHT, ALREADY! Pack your fucking bags. I'll text you details in a few minutes..." Just before she started squealing again, I hung up and glared at Tyler. "You turned my best friend on me?! Not cool." I folded my arms across my chest.

He rolled over so he was hovering over me. "Come on, baby. Don't be mad at me." He pouted and placed a small kiss on my lips.

"I wouldn't talk you out of you going to shouldn't do that to me. I have to make a living, too."

He nodded "I know - I just thought it would be nice to meet your best friend and it would be nice for you to see her. Plus, I selfishly wanted one more night with you." His lips redirected to my neck, my weakness.

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