Chapter 12

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Tyler's POV

I could have strangled Brian for waltzing onto my bus without even a knock. Talk about a cockblock. I took a deep breath to relieve some frustrations before stepping off the bus. Brian stood there, patiently, with two coffees in hand and a guilty look on his face. "I'm--"

I grabbed the coffee out of his hand and cut him off - walking towards the radio crew for the interview. "You couldn't have just waited outside?"

"I know, but Troy--"

"Screw Troy. The interview wouldn't have started without me. You could have waited." BK jogged to walk next to me.

He grabbed my arm. "Come on, man. Let's bury the hatchet now. I don't want to go over there like this." He nodded towards the radio crew. "You're my bro. I didn't mean it. Alright?"

I sighed heavily and ran my hand through my hair. I nodded. "You owe me."

He nodded frantically. "I'll make sure you get time today. Love you man." He pulled me in for a quick hug. "Let's go slay this interview." We walked over to the radio crew as if nothing was wrong. As if I wasn't a sexually frustrated mess.

"Nice to meet you, boys!" The radio broadcaster shook our hands. "I just want to talk quickly about your tour, your album, and then we'll take some fan questions from Twitter. Should be less than 15 minutes. Sound good?"

"Sounds great!" BK sat in the chair next to me and took a mic from one of the production assistants. I was thankful for Brian in these situations. He was always so laid back during interviews - I was always the nervous one.

I took a deep breath as the interviewer asked their first question. "We're here with Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley of Florida Georgia Line. Boys, you're on the second show of the second leg of your current tour. How's it going so far?"

Brian raised the mic to his mouth and began talking. Thank God, because my mind was still back on that bus, in bed with Lauren. "It's going great. We took a few months off to regroup and clear our minds. I think I speak for both of us when I say that we're pumped to be back out on the road. We love seeing our fans every day and partying with them every day. We're blessed." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lauren walk of the bus. Her wet hair was thrown up into a bun on the top of her head, dressed in cut offs and a tank. She looked beautiful. She made her way towards us to listen in, but kept her distance.

"How many shows do you have on this leg?" The broadcaster asked me.

I cleared my throat and tapped my foot nervously. "We have about 100 shows left on this leg of the North American tour and then we're off to Europe for a few weeks. We're all pretty excited about the Europe leg."

"Your new album sales have soared. Did you guys expect this?"

I decided to speak for this one - having Lauren stand near me somehow calmed my nerves. "Man, we never expect any of this to be honest. We're just truly lucky to have amazing people behind us, helping and supporting us along the way. Every time we write a song, we make sure it's something no one wants to skip over. We're just lucky, I guess."

"Alright - onto Twitter for some fan questions. Brian, a lot of fans want to know if your wife will be opening any more pop-up shops for her new clothing line, Tribe Kelley."

Brian smiled. "Well, pop-up shops are kind of supposed to be a surprise. So keep following us on Twitter to stay updated. But I'm sure she has something brilliant up her sleeves, she's amazing."

The broadcaster turned to me. "Tyler, it's no secret you went through a pretty painful break-up a few months ago. Within the last 24 hours, some photos have surfaced all over the 'net. Fans would like to know if you have a new Mystery Girl in your life."

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