Chapter 2

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The next day when I was closing down the bar, once again, I heard the door open. "We're closed!" My tone annoyed that this happened for the second day in a row.

I heard a male clear his throat in front of me. When I looked up from counting the tip money, I saw Tyler standing in front of me - this time with a pizza. "Will you pour me a drink in exchange for some pizza?" He smirked.

"Are you going to make this a habit?"

Tyler shrugged. "Maybe." He pulled out the seat in front of me and put the pizza down. "You're not really going to turn down pizza, are you?"

I sighed and reached for the bottle of Jack, pouring us both a glass. The only thing on my mind at that moment was the guitar pick in my jean short pocket, wondering when I should tell him about it. "What kind of pizza?"

He smiled and opened the box "Extra pepperoni." I held my stomach as it growled at the sight of the delicious pie. "Wanna slice?" He offered.

I nodded and grabbed a slice from the box, moaning as it hit my lips. "I can't remember the last time I had a slice of pizza." He, like last night, pat the seat next to him - signaling for me to sit next to him. I hopped over the bar with my slice of pizza and slid into the seat next to him. "What brings you back?"

He reached for a slice of pizza "I liked the company. I'm not used to be by myself."

"Why not come in during a normal time?" I pressed.

He shrugged "I guess I'm just a night owl."
I couldn't resist anymore, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the guitar pick. "Or is it because of this?" I placed the pick in front of him.

The color drained from his face "Where'd you find that?"

"It fell out of the money you left me last night..." I pulled the $200 out of my pocket "which is far too much by the way..." I placed the cash in front of him, beside the guitar pick. He sighed and fell back in the seat, flipping the pick around his blistered fingers. "Listen, your secret is safe with me."

He looked over at me, his long hair falling into his eyes. "I just want to escape sometimes. I just want to be a normal guy who doesn't get mobbed by people." I felt honored that he felt the bar I worked at and me were safe enough to show his face in public. "So..." He held up the guitar pick, "what do you think?"

I smiled and chuckled a little. "I think you have one kick ass job."

He smiled back, "Thank you." I held back every question I had in my head about him being in Florida Georgia Line and just focused on him as a human, like he requested. What I had learned was that he wasn't quite as bad ass as the record label made him out to be. He actually had an extremely soft, sensitive guy with a genuine heart. "What's a beautiful lil thing like you doin' workin' in this sleepy bar?" The southern drawl coming off his lips sent goosebumps down my spine.

"Gotta make money somehow. It ain't easy finding a good job in this sleepy town."
He nodded in agreement. "The best move I ever made was leaving and moving to Nashville."

I sighed and reached for another slice of pizza. "Someday I'll make it out of here." Tyler sat there and stared at me for what felt like forever, until I got nervous enough to speak. "Did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head no. "I was going to go out on my boat tomorrow ... Would you like to come?"
My heart started beating fast, Tyler of Florida Georgia Line was asking little ole me to hang out? Was this a dream of some sort? I laughed nervously, "why me?" I blurted.

He shrugged, "You just seem like one kick ass girl. And you're fun to hang out with."

Without truly thinking of the words coming out of my mouth, "Sure" came rolling out.

He took out his phone and handed it to me. "Give me your number and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." Without hesitation I plugged my number into his phone. He tipped back his glass of Jack down his throat. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He slapped more cash down on top of the $200 from last night and placed a kiss on my cheek before walking out and leaving me speechless, once again.

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