I think I'm in love with you...

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'Joe Sugg, nice to finally meet you, I'm Craig Winters, but you can call Mr Winters.' He smiled as I shook his hand, he had a firm grip and I knew I had to be firm back. 'Nice to finally meet you too' I said as I sat down in the chair next to the window. 'Your accent sounds familiar, Wiltshire maybe?' I nodded, 'I used to live there, but I never really saw it, you may know my son Verity's twin brother James' I nodded again taking a sip of my coffee. 'Yeah I do, I have for about, seven years now. He actually lives opposite me now, so yeah we know each other pretty well.' I smiled at me through his silver rimmed glasses, he had dark brown eyes like Verity and his hair was dark too another trait Verity probably got from him. 'So how long have you and my daughter been together' I knew this question would come up, 'we're actually not together, we're just friends.' He looks taken back, 'the way you said is almost like you didn't want to so , I'm guessing you want to be more than friends then.' He read my mind, 'if you give me your blessing, I wouldn't want anything more than to be with Verity, we've only known each other for a week, but I don't I just feel like...' I drift off wondering what to say next, 'you're in love?' I look up at him shocked, maybe I am. 'Let me tell you a story son, I only had to look at Verity's mother to know that I loved her, there is no such thing as a time limit with love. Sometimes you know after a week, a month or even a second. Love is strange, but it's the only thing that brings us together.' His wise words hit me hard, I do love her, I'm crazy about her, I admit it. 'I guess I've never thought of it that, way I guess am I in love with her' he smiles at my confession, 'then what are you doing here with me then?' I stand up and shake his hand, 'go, go before Sally comes.'

The elevator is taking the longest time ever, they open on our floor and I run in to the suit, 'Verity?' there was no answer, I walked into the bedroom no one there, but I find a note.

Hi, Sally came early and so did alex he said that weren't meeting him at check in, is there something you're not telling me? Anyway I will be back soon, V xx

'Shit!' I kick the bed probably hurting something but it doesn't matter, I sit down on the bed with my h head in my hands. 'What's wrong with you?' Alex's voice comes out of no where I realise that he has just watched my big meltdown, 'I missed my chance' I say now looking at him. 'Your chance to do what?' I look up at him and bit my lip, 'to tell Verity that I love her.' His daw dropped and he did a little happy dance, 'is that why you went off?' I walked out of the bedroom in the main part of the suit, 'no, I went to meet her dad he told me not to tell her, so I told her that I was meeting you. I went to meet and he told me about how he fell in love with Verity's mum, he saying the there there isn't a specific time that you can fall in love in, you just do. It made me think and realise that I really do genuinely love Verity.' Alex had teared up at my explanation, 'that's so beautiful! Right now no more chitchat we have to get you ready for your dinner, I've set up in the kitchen.' I walked into the kitchen and Alex sat me down so he could cut my hair and to be honest I really needed a haircut.

Verity's POV

'Why would Joe lie to me?' I asked Sally as she straightened my hair.

'I don't know babe, but you know he likes you so..' She trailed off, wait is it obvious? I go in to deep thought, I can hear Sally mumbling away, but I bloke her out. Where did he go? Did he ditch me? Come on V, stop thinking about the negatives, who are you dad? I realize that Sally has finished my hair, I've never seen it straightened before, wow it looks good. 'Right now go and get changed and don't forget to spray some of Nina on ya!' Sally shouted at me as I ran in to the bathroom, so excited to get changed in to my new dress.

Wow, the whole look was together now, and as I look in the mirror I like what I see. I'm so glad that I read my cousin Marcus' book it really helped me realize how easy it is to be become healthy. As I depart the bathroom, Sally is on her phone I cough to catch her attention and catch her attention I do. Her mouth drops open and she gets up and does a little happy dance, 'well if Joe doesn't kiss you tonight then he is not right in the head!' I giggled and hugged her. After gathering everything up, we exchanged phone number and we both went our separate way. I way heading to the restaurant area, but I wanted to check if Joe was back yet.

The doors opened on our floor and there stood Joe. He looked extremely sexy in his black tux, I couldn't help but look at him top to bottom. He looks so hawt! I realize that I'm starring, so I snap out of it, but I laugh when I see him doing the same thing to me. 'Wow Verity! You look stunning' he says coming closer to me as he does, he grazes his hands up my arms and tingles shot down my spine.

'I'm going to stay here, if that's okay with you, I fell out with my boyfriend last night and I don't think he wants me to come home.' I gave Alex a sad smile and nodded. The elevator doors shut and Joe's eye still haven't moved from me, we stand next to each other the tension building, I feel his hand brush mine, slowly. I smiled, the elevator stopped and business men came inside, separating Joe and I. I glanced over him and he gave me a smirk, I returned a soft smile. The men's floor came up and they all pilled out, I watched the door shut and then I was suddenly turned around to face Joe. He leans in and kissed me deeply, his hands move up my back and I begin to kiss him back. We hear a ding and move away from each other swiftly, being careful that no one saw us making out. I giggled a little bit and so did Joe as the awkward tension in the elevator consumed us. The people get out and Joe looks at me seductively again. He moves closer to me taking my hand, I look up at him as another person comes in to the elevator.

We get off one floor later, at the restaurant floor. We walk out and I look around looking for my dad, 'Verity?' I look to see my dad standing up for his seat, with his new girlfriend sitting next to him. I walk over to him, and I give him my hand to shake. 'I don't want to shake my beautiful daughters hand, come here' he opens his arms and gives me a hug. I still have the hate for him in the back of my mind, but he has changed, he went through all this trouble, maybe I should give him a chance. I hug him back. We pull away from the hug and Joe shakes, my dad's hand, 'nice to see you again Joe.' I was totally confused.

'Nice to meet you again?' I give them both a a confused look.

'Yes, Joe and I had a little talk at 5:30, about somethings' he gives Joe a wink and Joe looks down at me. That's why he was out, he was seeing my dad, but where they talking about?

Joe's POV

I can't take my eyes off of her, she looks stunning. Her curves are perfect and her smile is stunning. I am completely and utterly in love with her. In the elevator I wanted to tell her so badly, but she just looked so perfect I had to kiss her. 'So Verity what job do you have now? I remember when you were a air hostess, then you were a personal shopper, then a artist and the most recent one I've heard of is interior designer.' My mouth dropped Verity has had a lot of jobs.

'I'm writing now' she says straight, 'how's business' she asks Craig. He smiles at her widely.

'Great actually, I want you to come to Thailand for a while in September, because I want you to write some song for my artists and we can get any of your books out in the shops, well quicker than you can say Verity!' Verity looks shocked, how long will she be in Thailand for? I can't lose her now. But its a really good opportunity. What if she meets another boy? What if they fall in love, get married and have kids! Stop thinking about Joe, just stop!

'Wow, dad. Sure, but where would I stay?' Is she seriously going? I push away the urge to hold my face in my hands. Life just got a lot harder.

'Where you used to stay, in your old house' Verity's face lights up. She hugs him and thanks him. We order food and the night goes on, I try to push away the thought of Verity being with another man, but it keeps coming back to haunt me.

AN- Thank you so much for reading my story. I can't believe the amount of reads I've got, and I have 17 votes, wow! Thank you again for the support! If your wondering why this book is exactly like the other one it's because Verity and Joe haven't done it yet, so this is basically is the same book it just has extra chapters xx thank you again xxx

Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatcherjoe FanFictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon