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Scarlett's POV

A few weeks had passed an sit was now time for us to finish our school careers with the good old fashioned graduation. To be honest I was surprised I'd actually be graduating but I passed so here I am. At the moment I was getting my hair done by Sammy yet again. She'd done my hair half up half down with tighter curls than what she did for prom. I was already in my graduation dress which was black and gold. On my feet I had black heels on which obviously weren't my idea.

Anyway once she'd finished getting me ready she smiled "come on everyone's waiting for us"
"Well if somebody hadn't taken about 45 minutes I the shower we'd be done by now." She just rolled her eyes at me before we left my room and headed downstairs. Snake and my brothers were ready to go. They were dressed in smart casual wear.

"You ready??" Snake asked me and I smiled
"As ready as I'll ever be" he nodded as the doorbell rang
"Scarlett I believe it's for you." I was confused since me and the guys had agreed to meet up at school on the parking lot.

I opened the door only to be attacked in a hug by Kayla. "Scar scar, you look pretty" she gushed and I smiled
"Hey Kay I missed you to." She smiled
"I saw your prom pictures, you looked like a princess" I laughed
"Is that so??" She nodded her head vigorously. before going and seeing snake, Matty and Danny. Once she saw Sammy she screamed in delight "SAM SAM" it caused me to smile. I then turned to my mum and dad.

"Hey" dad rolled his eyes and pulled me into a hug. "How've you been sweetheart??" I smiled at him
"I've been great" he chuckled
"So I hear apparently you've gotten yourself a boyfriend is that true??" I nodded and he smiled "good for you dear."

For the next question he walked me away from mum "does he know about you being Nightshade??" I nodded
"Dad don't worry he's part of our world" he looked like he was thinking about it
"What's he called maybe I've heard of him and his gang." I smiled
"He's called Reaper and is part of the Grimm boys ever heard of them." He smiled
"Yeah I heard of them, good choice by the way since Reaper's the leader" I smiled
"I know as it turns out we were friends before we realised who the other was." He laughed and sent me over to mum before going and speaking with his brother.

I went up to my mum who brought me into a hug. "Now I know you probably hate me for doing this to you and your brothers but I thought it would be for the best." I laughed
"Mum I don't hate you" she was a little confused
"You don't??" I nodded
"You were right it was for the best and besides if you hadn't forced me to move here I wouldn't have done half the stuff I have and we wouldn't be stood here having this conversation right now." At this she laughed
"I guess you're right."

Sammy spoke up "sorry to break up this little reunion but if we don't leave now Scarlett'll be late." With that we hurried up and left. Since I wasn't aloud to ride my bike since its 'unladylike' to do so I was ridding with Sammy in her car. Snake was riding with my dad, mum and Kayla in one of his cars and Matty and Danny were ridding together in Danny's car.

Once we arrived I spotted Jamie and ran up to meet him. He smiled at me and pecked my lips "hey, it took you long enough" he said with a grin I just laughed
"Yeah sorry about that it took a little longer what with the family and all that." He just smiled
"Yeah I know, my mum and dads here to." I smiled I liked Jamie's parents they were really kind and caring. Also they knew about his gang and who I was as they themselves where in the gang before Jamie and the boys took it over at first it was just called the Grimm.

Anyway back on topic. Not long after we'd all arrived than a limo and several cars parked up. Who got out of them really shocked me. My grandfather got out of the limo and headed towards the family while out of the other cars came some of my friends from the circus. It included, Will, Sky, Mystique, muscles and Simon. I laughed an hugged them. I noticed how some of the other kids here looked kinda scared of Muscles. It made me want to laugh, although I do kinda get why what with his intimidating appearance and all. They explained that they couldn't wait to see me graduate and that they were all excited. To be honest they seemed to be more excited than I was.

After a little while we were called to get out robes and the parents and others were called to take a seat in the main hall. Once we got our robes we met the others before making and entrance. Once we were inside Cameron's boyfriend came running up to him. Yep you heard right boyfriend. To be honest I could see it coming from a mile away but the guys were just shocked to say the least.

Cameron was dating one of the drama kids, his name was Luke and he was just adorable he was about 5'6 and was small compared to Cameron's 6'0 stature but they didn't care. Luke had messy brown hair and big blue eyes. He had snakebites and an ear piercing. The two of them together was just too cute for words. I smiled at them as they hugged and did their own thing.

I was brought out of my daze by Jamie "what are you doing??" I smiled
"Just thinking about how cute those two are together" I said while pointing at Cameron and Luke. Jamie smiled
"I still don't know how you called that" I just smiled
"And you never will." He pouted at me so I kissed him which made him smile. "Uh please can you guys cut it out you're making me sick with all this mushy stuff." I just laughed at Kane
"Oh please like if Sammy was here you'd be doing anything else." At this his checks tinged pink. See I had found out that he had a slight crush on Sammy so I had made it my mission to get them together and... it worked.

Josh turned to Kane "dude no, you broke our pact" I just laughed and Kane smiled sheepishly at him.
"Sorry dude, I couldn't help it." Josh smiled
"it's cool, besides I'm happy for you bro."

After that we were called to go and sit down so the ceremony could begin. It was you're usual kinda crap and then Luke got up to give his speech since he was valedictorian. "We've all reached a crossroad on our life now as some head of to work or to college we'll look back on our high school years and remember all the things that we've done and the people we've met. We'll remember the friendships we've made some that won't last and ones that will. But the main thing we should all remember is that we can prepare for things all our lives, but one thing we can't prepare for is life. So treat life like an adventure. Create memories and have fun doing so. Go out and learn new things, meeting new people along the way and remember if you make a mistake, learn from it and don't repeat it." With that we all clapped as he came and sat back down. The head teacher smiled and said a few words before we lined up to get our high school diploma's. Once it was done he congratulated us on finishing high school. We all threw our caps in the air.

Once we were outside I raced over to Jamie and jumped on him. He chuckled and hugged me close to him. I had my legs wrapped round his middle and my arms around his neck. I looked up and smiled "how do you feel now that you've finished high school??" He laughed.
"I feel great since we have a while before we go off to college." I smiled and spoke
"Speaking of collages you never did tell me which one you're going to" he just smiled.
"That's because I'm going were ever you're going." I gave him the look but he just smiled "I'm not kidding I got in"
Are you kidding??" He shook his head and I squealed. Wow never thought I'd do that. "Oh my god that's amazing, but how" he just smiled at me
"I have my ways." Now normally I'd try and get it out of him but I was just too happy. We were going to the same college and I just couldn't wait.

Our little moment however was broken by Josh "my god, seriously you two. If I see anymore of your lovey dovey crap I'm going to gorge my eyes out." I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.
"Josh??" He turned to me
"Go to hell" I say in the sickliest sweet tone I could. Jamie just laughed and I turned to face him again. I saw he had a huge grin on his face.
"Hey Scarlett??"
"Hmm??" Came my reply
"Wanna piss him off even more??" I smiled in agreement and Jamie began to lean in. I met him half way and we kissed passionately. Ignoring all the remarks from Josh and the others. And that was the end of my high school experience.

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