Exams and a fight

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Scarlett's POV

It had been over two months now since we'd come back to school. Josh had come back and actually looked better than we did when we came back to school. The video that we had of him while he was out of it and delirious from the pain medication was hilarious he was actually really shocked that he'd said some of the stuff that he did. I had gotten that stupid brace thingy off and my ribs were all healed thank god. Any way it was that time in a persons school life that they absolutely hate, yep exams. We'd been practicing and doing mocks but now it was time for the real things.

Let's just say this school didn't mess around. All mobiles had to be in bags or in an envelope with your name on and given to a teacher. Bags were Locked in a room while you did the exams. Students were sat in one of the halls in single desks. Each student had an assigned desk. Yeah they were dead serious and it kinda creeped the shit outta me.

Overall the exams weren't that bad. It was just that with the teachers drilling how important these exams are into our heads that had us all on edge. After doing a couple of them I'd gotten into the flow of how they worked. It was quit simple to be honest. I'd noticed how people acted around the exams. Some took it in their stride, others freaked out and there was a few who just didn't give a shit. In my group of friends only the first two were seen. Jamie, Dylan, Cameron and I took it in our stride while Josh and Kane freaked out. It could be the fact that while we were studying they were playing video games or that they never studied by them selves or when we did our group studies. Yeah I guess that's why they where freaking out.

The exams would take about a week and a bit. So not all that long to be honest especially since we still had some lessons during this time as well, it wasn't just one exam after the other. Now that would have driven some into overdrive and others into insanity.

Anyway back to the point, at the current time all of us were in the cafeteria for lunch. Josh and Kane were freaking out about the exam that they had next "guys what am I going to do?? I can't fail this exam otherwise I'm screwed."
"Why would you be screwed??" Asked Cameron, Josh just sighed
"It's Mr Bells' exam and he'll literally kill me" I laughed Mr Bell was a rather strict teacher who had no time for troublemakers or time wasters so obviously he hated Josh. Josh always messed about in his lessons and Mr Bell loathes him for it.

"Woah dude you are so majorly fucked, he hates you as it is so if you fail this exam he's gonna flip and you're going to be a goner"
"Gee thanks for the support guys" he said sarcastically.
"Dude I have it way worse" Kane cried out "I've got Mrs Martin and you know what she's like" Josh shuddered at the thought. They both groaned in frustration and bashed their heads on the table at the same time before cursing that it hurt, ha douchebags. I rolled my eyes "what lessons do they teach??" I asked
"Computing, why??" They both asked in cinq.
"Ok you guys just get weirder by the second, and I was asking because Matty or Danny might be able to help you out."

They looked relieved "really??" I nodded and grabbed out my phone and called Matty. It rang a few times before he picked up
"Hey Matty"
"What do you want this time Scar??"
"What gave you the idea that I wanted something??"
"Well considering the last time you called while you were at school you needed my help to cause an explosion" I groaned "why are you so smart?? Anyway I was wondering if you could do me a favour."
"What is it??"
"Well Kane and Josh have a computing exam next and they're freaking out because they haven't revised or worked on it at all. And I was wondering if you could help them out" he sighed
"Fine I'll do it, give them the phone and I'll see what I can do" I smiled
"You're the best"
"I know" and with that I handed the boys my phone.

They looked relieved and began listening to what Matty had to say like their lives depended on it. Well in away their school lives did. Once they gave me back my phone they ran around the table and hugged me "thanks for saving our asses" I chuckled as the bell went
"No problem just ace that exam" they smiled as we parted ways. They went off to do their exam while we headed of to our next lesson which was film studies.

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