Pizza and a Movie

Start from the beginning

“Because. I’m not the type who’s easy to love.” He said, smiling, but I could see the sadness.

“I disagree.” I said, then flung my hand over my mouth. He looked at me, surprised. I hurried to cover my tracks. “I mean, you don’t seem bad so, you know...”

He seemed satisfied with that and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I guess... if it were that simple...”

“It is,” I said, and he looked at me. “If you make it that simple.”

He looked thoughtful, and we both retreated into our own thoughts for a while.

“Well, I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s kind of late. I’m gonna go to bed, and as much as I trust you, I’m not sure what the neighbours would say if you stayed over.” I said, and a yawn hit me.

Panic took over his face.

“Oh... umm... Ok, well I’ll show myself out. You just stay here. Like, stay right here... Don’t move.” He said, getting up.

“What? Leo, I’m going to show you out.” I said laughing,

“No, I just... You stay here. Please?” He said, and I saw the desperation. I was immediately suspicious, but I hid it.

“Alright, if you insist. Thanks for tonight. And come over tomorrow? You know, if you don’t have plans. Just come over anytime.”

He beamed and nodded enthusiastically. It was adorable.

“Okay! I’ll see you then. Bye Kiwi!” H said, and bowed his head, before turning and leaving.

As soon as he was out of the room, I was up and peering round the corner.

He was stood in front of the door, hands by his sides. The door opened, and I was on edge. Was it a burglar coming in? What if it was mom? I doubt she’d approve of a strange boy being in the house at midnight.

But there was no one behind the door, and it closed itself immediately. Then Leo began to fade.

Literally fade.

Like he went from being totally solid, to the point where I could see the door handle through his stomach.

I yelped in surprise, and he became solid and turned with shock and horror on his face.

I grabbed the remote control from the couch arm and waved it in front of me.

“Stay back!” I said, my voice shaking.

“Kiwi, please, don’t be afraid.” He said, before looking angry. “God, why couldn’t you just have stayed where I told you to?”

I was too shocked to respond.


“You are a vampire aren’t you?” I said, my eyes in slits with the suspicion.

“No, I’m not a vampire, I swear.” He said, trying to calm me.

“But that’s exactly what a vampire would say.” I deduced perfectly, and a tiny part of me that wasn’t terrified was congratulating me on my awesome reasoning. “I mean, you told me the truth, and made it sound like a lie, which was the perfect cover for the truth.”

“I’m not a vampire!” He said, clearly frustrated.

“Sure. If you’re not a vampire then what are you, huh? I don’t care if you’re dead, just please don’t hurt me.” I said, still clutching the remote control, ready to defend myself.

“You don’t care that I’m dead?” He was clearly shocked, but he looked thrilled.

“You really are dead?!?” I shrieked, and he seemed to remember the rest of the conversation. “You are a vampire! Oh, God, do you have to kill me now that I know? Please don’t, please, you can drink my blood if you want just don’t kill-“

“Kiwi, shut up. I’m not a vampire.” He said.

“But you said you were dead...” I trailed.

He just looked at me sadly.

“I couldn’t see you. And you only left notes in the house. Can you leave...?” I asked in a small voice.

He shook his head.

“You used to live here didn’t you?”

He nodded.

“You died here, didn’t you?” I said, in the smallest whisper I could manage, my eyes wide. I wasn’t afraid now, just beyond the realms of shocked.

He just studied my face, and I took his silence for a yes.

“I think we should talk for a while.” He said, not looking away from my face.

“Yeah, I guess we should...” I said, and made my way back to the living room.


P.s. The film they watched is The Time Traveller's Wife. It's one of my favourites, too, and if you haven't seen it, watch. But have tissues nearby. 

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