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"Al-right!" I finally put down the airbrush. Apart from the swell and a faint dark patch above the left brow, the "mark of a man" or so he called was successfully concealed with makeup. I prided in my newest accomplishment - concealing an ugly punch scar from a fight on a beautifully beautiful chiseled face.

"Hm I guess I will have to hire you as my personal make-up artist," he shone at me his billion dollar smile wiggling his brows only to wince with pain next.

Trance Young was a up-and-coming British male model, well accomplished at just 20- 'Almost 21', as he wants to be referred to as. I was struck with the biggest luck in my career when I was chosen to be on board with a team of other makeup artists for the latest men fashion fall in London. Trance was among the youngest male models and notably the most fun to work with. He was too wise and matured for his age, it was like talking with a veteran. All the staff teased him about it.

As I collected my makeup stuff, I shook my head, holding back from laughing more as he continued to do the giddy eyebrows only to end up in pain. "Stop doing that and I just might agree to that," I replied teasingly and tousled his messy hair before making my way out of his hotel room.

"You should laugh more often Jean," he said just as I exited. "It's contagious."
I stopped in my track and couldn't help smiling at him for that. He grinned his heart-warming grin from his seat.

"Thank you oh wise Sir Young" I gently bowed. He let out a chuckle at that. "And it's Miss Low for you. Also, no more fights."

"As you say, love."


It was a day off for everyone as we could not do the scheduled body paint shoot. The set did not please our meticulous photographer and so the people in charge had to set up a new plan from scratch.

So the rest of us lazed by the hotel pool enjoying the mellow sun, for once. The male models were all half naked in their trunks, some in the water while some lazing about.

I took in all the sun I could in my beige one-piece. "Sexy stuff!" Mollie, my co-worker comes up to me, drawing my body shape with her hands in the air.
"Sexier stuff," I imply in the same manner. Her smouldering turquoise bikini only added to her real sexiness.

"Someone's on the line for you, the hotel phone. Take the one by the pool," she says while flopping down beside me. I remember I had left my phone in my room. I wondered who it could be and scurried off.

"This is Jeanine Low speaking," I said into the phone.


In no time I was wearing my most genuine widest cheek-tearing smile and laughing all the same.

"Booooooo," I cooed, sending the receiver chuckling.

"Mommy I weally mishyu! muah muah muah!"

I caught all the kisses. "Mommy misses you way more!"

I transformed into an adult toddler for the next 15 minutes on the phone. My two year old toddler poo-pooed in his pants at daycare and he wanted to tell me all about it.

On my way back I noticed Trance giving me a funny look from his side of the pool. I waved at him with a confused look asking what was up.

He just smiled at me and jumped into the pool. Next thing I know he was swimming towards me. I met him by the pool edge.

"Miss Low", he greeted me then proceeding to shake off the water from his hair and walking out of the pool- a wet sight hormonal teenagers out there would die to see, which most definitely does not include me of course.

He stood towering over my 5'6 frame. I placed my hands on my hip and looked at him authoritatively. "Now what do we have here, Young man," I said.
"First of all, officer?" he asked. I gave him the nod to go on.
"You look absolutely eye-ravishing, for lack of a more deserving adjective."
I just had to laugh at that one. Still holding my authoritative stance I asked him to continue.
"Secondly, I had been watching you talk on the phone very animatedly even making monkey noises into the poor receiver. And you haven't wiped that grin off your face since." Just as he said that I realised I haven't stopped smiling the whole time.
He was waiting for my reply. I broke the police-officer stance and decided to let the boy in on a little.

"I was just on the phone with my monkey of a toddler," I tell him, like the proudest mother there is.

"Toddler?" He seemed shocked.

I nodded to the seats nearby. We sat beside each other. "He just turned two last month and he's at home with the nanny right now." I went on to tell him about Wes' misadventure.

"I didn't know you had such a tiny entertainer for a son. I see why you don't smile here so much. You must miss him all the time," he said seriously.

"Not that again. I do laugh and joke about here. I'd just combust if I don't. I also miss my boy so much. I love him the most in the whoollle wide world." My heart swelled at the thought of Wes' face.

"I'd love to meet this tiny being that's caught all your attention," the other boy grinned boyishly. I tell him he was most welcome although Wes could be a handful to handle.

"And, if I may ask, what of your husband? I hope I'm not barging in?" He looked at me apologetically.

These British men and their politeness. I didn't mind answering to that. "Actually, he never got to the husband part. I got pregnant when we were still dating but we split shortly after Wes was born. It was mutual. He has Wes on weekends." I tried to make it sound as well-meaning as possible pushing aside all the bitterness. I realised I had been staring into space the whole time and when Trance looked at me like he knew I was hiding my true feelings I smiled assuring him everything was alright.

"You better not be breaking your girl's heart alright? And if you don't like it, let me tell you- end it respectfully," I tell him, probably sounding like his mom.

He just shook his head smiling and replied," Stop patronizing me. I am not a boy anymore."

"Oh to me you are Young man," I chimed in.

He just sighed at that. "And I don't really have a girl's heart to break. I have been celibate for a pretty long time now." And then like the cheeky boy he was he added a wink at that confession. I slapped his hard chest and held his ear teasingly.

"I'll let you off this time," I said as I walked away to leave the pool area. He simply flashed his widest grin.

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