Chapter Twenty-Two

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Despite knowing the route source of Beca's depression problem, it still didn't help that her practical other half was gone. It also didn't help that her parents were the reason he was gone, but... she was trying her best to be nice about it.

The Smiths were all getting ready for the full moon tonight, ready for another month of being locked away in the cellar.

Daniel stuck up his nose at the plastic store bag on the table. "What is that smell?" 

Maddy gave a shy smile. "Erm, Tom brought us a present."

"Dog chews?" He asked, disgusted. 

Emma laughed. "I'm sure he meant well, Dan."

He shook his head. "Do you know what these are made out of? Animal hide... and marrow. Mmm."

Emma shook her head with a laugh. "Time we were in the den!" She said, grabbing the bag of other goodies provided by Tom and Callie.

Beca shook her head at their father, who was now gnawing on said "dog chews".

"Dad!" Maddy scolded. 

"What? It's nice."

They walked into the den and Daniel immediately hit his head on the new decor; a golden owl hanging from the ceiling. "Ow!" 

Beca laughed, something that surprised everyone. "A present from Shannon."

Maddy nodded, deciding to go along with her sister's good mood. "Apparently it's the wise old owl of the forest keeping an eye on the Wolfbloods."

"And bashing them on the head!" Daniel complained. 

"She just wants to be part of things."

Emma finished locking up the door and smiled. "At least we know Shannon won't betray our secret. Nothing could break that special bond between a girl and her dog."

Daniel and Beca let out laughs while Maddy complained.

Soon each of them felt the transformation, so Emma insisted they hold hands. It apparently brought them closer as a pack, but Beca personally thought it was a way for her to keep babying the girls.

Soon enough, they were all in wolf form, biting and yipping and playing. After a while, there was audible clawing heard on the door to get into the cellar, stressing Beca out as she sat and stared up the opening, whining.

The doors opened and a wolf jumped in, a wolf whose scent greeted her comfortingly and made her whining cease. The other three Wolfbloods looked up at this and saw who Beca had already tackled, shoving herself against him to let the wolf in him know he was welcome.

The blonde wolf let out a joyful bark.

Rhydian was back.

The morning came and Beca's back hurt, waking up in human form on the hard stone floor of the den. She let out a yawn as she followed Daniel out of the door, sniffing around for the wolves that had apparently chased Rhydian into the cellar last night.

"I know Tom and Shannon didn't have a choice, but it's embarrassing," Emma told Maddy. "The den's private.

Beca let out a sigh as she could clearly tell the scents belonged to Wildbloods. She glanced back to Rhydian who was wearing scruffed up, dirty clothes and whose blonde hair was matted and long enough to get into his eyes. She couldn't see their normal blue shade and it made part of her sad.

"Never seen a Wildblood get all the way out here," Daniel commented, glancing back at the boy he deemed responsible. Though part of him knew he couldn't kick him out of the territory, for his daughter's sake.

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