Chapter Twenty

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Revelation Part 2

Rhydian glanced at her before calling out for his brother. "Bryn!"

"Bryn!" Beca shouted, but the boy didn't stop. With a sigh, she and Rhydian started chasing him and she suddenly regretted calling off Maddy.

They chased him to Bernie's, getting into the café after he yelled out to everyone. Luckily, it was the K's and Jimi's crew, and they all seemed confused.

Jimi met Beca's eyes and she glanced away.

"He's the new foster placement," Rhydian excused. "He's winding you all up. It's time to go, Bryn," he ordered, grabbing his brother's shoulders and trying to drag him out.

Bryn broke out of Rhydian's grasping, making Beca go for him and grab his arm to restrain him. "I'm his real brother!" He shouted. "I come from the far north from the domain of the Wolfblood, to bring him back where he belongs."

"Do they have baths up there?" One of the K's said.

"He's quite good," said another.

The last one nodded. "Did you write this for him?"

Jimi raised an eyebrow, looking on judgingly. "Did you put him up to this?"

Liam shrugged. "I'm not being funny, but is that kid all right in the head?"

"I'm serious! - Rhydian is not like you."

"He's got that right," Jimi joked.

Bryn tried anyways. "Rhydian is a Wolfblood. He belongs in the wilderness, where the wolf runs free."

Bernie had stepped out from behind the counter, giving Beca and Rhydian strict glanced. "All right, son, that's enough it's a cafe not a theatre."

"It's true! We're Wolfbloods! This girl is, too! He changes on the full moon! He's a wolf!"

"Are you going to take him out, or shall I?" Bernie asked.

Beca glared at everyone, grabbing Bryn's shoulders. "Let's go home, Bryn," she said, turning him away.

The boys let out a series of wolf howls as they left, making a growl escape Beca's throat. "I hate them," she muttered.

When they got under the brick arch in the court of the village, Bryn shook Beca off of him and just stood there, standing. "Bryn?" Rhydian asked, cautious. "Bryn! It's all right They didn't mean any harm."

The boy shook his head, turning to face them. "You were right. You are one of them! A fake! - A pretend human."

"Bryn -" Rhydian started.

"Go laugh with your human friends. That's where you belong now!" He shouted before running off. Beca sighed and looked over at Rhydian with a look of sympathy in her eyes, but she could only see the anger in his.

He shook his head and turned around, stomping back to the café. "Rhydian!" Beca called out, trying to stop him. She was too late, because when she reached him, he was inside with all eyes on him again.

You think you're funny? Laughing at a confused kid? That's what you're all like, isn't it? You see someone different to you, and you treat them like a joke. Because deep down, you're scared of anyone who isn't exactly like you," he hissed, before turned and grabbing Beca's hand, dragging her away.

They followed his scent and Beca stayed back when they found him underneath a fallen tree, hiding. She watched on and kept her senses open for Tom and Shann while the two had a brotherly talk. Then she caught a whiff of something, reminding her that none of them had had a chance to get to that canister.

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