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Chloe's POV
"I love you tiny mouse" I said... Tears rolling down my face... Was everything beca said true? Am I really everything to her? I can't be? She lies Jesse clearly! Clearly not me! She doesn't care about me she doesn't deserve me even if she does love me... I mean look at me I'm a fucking wreck! I can't understand why she chased me... I can't understand why she made the effort to try stop me from jumping...
No one has ever survived the fall from this bridge, 150 feet drop, if I moved forward right now, no one woul have to bother about me again! Beca has Jesse, Aubrey has stacie had another best friend, the Bellas would be a okay with out me, my family don't exactly care about me... I can just do this, I can't take no more, people don't know my past! Everything is now just building up inside me.... Then I see the girl I love making out with some man whore when she was supposed to be meeting me! I felt a cold hand grab my arm, who ever this was, they were shakin like mad... Seemed nervous... The cold hand was tiny, it was really cute in a away... I turned my head to see a brunette standing there, tears flooded from her eyes, eyes also blood shocked, "please Chloe" she said... Yes it was beca, it had to be true what she said... Other wise why would she be looking like this? "Please just come off the bridge, come back to my dorm, I'll keep you warm, I'll protect you like I promised" she carrie on..
"You love Jesse" I blurted out, beca began to cry more, she shook her head "no no I don't Chloe... He had me pinned up, I told him I love you not him, and he started kissing me an I could move and I saw you an Ithaca me enough strengh to kick him in the balls and chase you!" Beca said clinging on to me.. Was this true? I looked at her in a confused way... "Ask Aubrey she saw and heard it!" Beca shouted... I turned around to face beca and climbed off the bridge and hugged beca... "I'm so sorry beca... I can't lose you to Jesse! You can't be with him! Even if you did love him! He tried making aureu have sex with him to get to you but she wouldn't so he beat her...." I said bowing my head..
Becas POV
I pulled Chloe in for a hug and I didn't let go of her for a good 5 min... "Listen Chloe you know I'm scare of relationships right and being heart broken and stuff?" I asked Chloe and she nodded.. "Well Chloe.." I said with a pause, Chloe pulled away to face me "yeah beca?" She said confused.. "Will you be mine?" I said blushing, Chloe got the biggest smile on her face, she cupped my face and leaned in for a kiss, it was such a perfect moment, the moon has just began to show, a few stars out, I'm hoping this means a yes... "Yes tiny mouse.. Yes.." Chloe said pullin out of the kiss... "Your not such a badass no more, crying and blushing" Chloe said winking, I giggled at what she said "I am a badass for asking you out babe... I step out of my comfort zone and got the girl I my dreams" I said as I gave Chloe a peck kiss.
We started walking back to my dorm and after a few mins of silent walking Chloe grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers.... Even though my hands are a lot smaller then Chloe's, they seem to fit perfectly inside of Chloe's hands like they was made for each other.

A week later after that night still beca POV

It's official... I joined late into the Bellas... Only because of Chloe, she told me to give a try so I guess I am, one thing though, nobody knows about me and chloe, not even Aubrey... We have decided to tell everyone in a bella meeting... And this is the day... 3:00pm I'm gonna be dragged out in the open as a lesbian... I'm terrified... What if they don't accept me.. I'm already the alternative one... Gosh this is scary stuff! I heard a quiet knock on my door, and was confused who it was... I went over to the door to see who it was and it was Aubrey, "bella meet is a hour earlier, Chloe asked me to tell everyone no idea why it's earlier..." She said, "uh okay.. Is Chloe in your dorm?" I asked with out sounding suspicious, "yes, she is, why beca?" Aubrey asked seeming interested for once, "oh I just wanna speak to her about something" I said walking out of my door closing the door, "alright bec well I'll be back in the room in half an hour, go see er!" Aubrey said walking away. I made my way over to Chloe's room, and opened the door slightly "babe?" I say through the whole I made, I walk in to see Chloe lay on her bed listening to music, she couldn't see me so I decide to jump on her, "Oh my god beca!" Chloe screams, I laugh like there's not tomorrow, Chloe starts to tickle me around my rib cage I pushed her off me causing her to fall of her bed and we both just lay there laughing out heads off. Chloe soon got up and lay across her bed with her head on my lap, her ginger curls spreaded out from under her head, I couldn't help but slide my fingers through he hair, it's so silky and soft i just love to okay with her ginger hair! "So babe, how come you came to see me?" Chloe says, "I'm scared about telling the girls.." I say softly, Chloe takes her eyes off her phone and looks up at me, "aye badass Mitchell, shouldn't be scared if anything your weird mysterious creature" Chloe said to me giggling causing me to laugh, "alright but seriously, if you don't want I tell them we won't!" Chloe says standing up, "of course we can tell them Chloe, you want to tell them so I do as well I'm just scared" I replied to chloe, Chloe grabs my hand and pulls me up to face her, I put my hands on her waist as se puts her arms around my neck, I go on my toes a little to reach her height, "you don't need to be scared becs, honestly the girls will understand I promise" Chloe reassures me as she gives me a little kiss, "alright Chloe I trust you!" I say kissing Chloe, we got really in to the kiss, it was so good... I felt Chloe lick my bottom lip hinting towards tonguing, I allowed her entrance into my mouth and she do the same with me, the door opens.

Hope you are all liking this! More drama will be brought into the story! Plan for this to have a lot of parts! And I'll be updating as much as I can! Any suggestions for what I should write in this leave a comment!

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