•°Chapter Two°•

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I stared at the car becoming further and further. In the blink of an eye the car was officially out of my sight. I can't help but feel as if I should've done something. I took another bite of my apple and continued walking.

I was about half way there when I noticed a dance complex. It looks pretty cool. I wish I could dance, I really do but something in my gut tells me to just stick to journalism. I walked some more but quickly stopped because I smelled a familiar aroma in the air

I turned around and noticed there was a Panera Bread right across the street. I spaced off into the building but soon regained my sanity and continued my walk to a long day ahead.


I looked back as the mysterious girl disappeared from the corner of my eye. I came back down to earth and continued driving. I unlocked my phone. Ugh Nick again. He gets so annoying sometimes. I mean he's a big boy you know? He's like one of the oldest from our group. He thinks he's really cool because him Vinny, and Jennifer are seniors already. I replied by telling him I was on my way.

I made a left turn and there my school was. I parked right in front of the school and unstrapped myself. I turned off the engine and exited my vehicle. I opened the back door and grabbed my backpack. I shut the door with anger still running through my veins. I looked to make sure no cars were coming from each side and J walked. I reached the other side and noticed my friends on our bench. Well not our bench, but we're the only ones who hang out there.

I stood in front of Jason waiting for him to notice me "Earth to Jason, do you hear me bookworm?" I said as I waved my hand in front of his face in attempt to get him to stop looking down at his phone. "Hes texting a girl he's not going to pay attention" Piper said as she got her legs off of Jennifer's lap.


You see Piper is a nice girl. She's smart, yet goofy, yet adorable. We all love her she's our little munchkin. She's that shy little quiet girl that everyone expects to be a smart nerd because she's asian. But trust me once you get to know this girl, just wow, shes crazy sometimes.

I looked at Piper "Yeah... Jason who's this girl?" I asked. Jason looked up at me and flipped me off.


Damn Jason. Where do I start. Well we met in dance class and we instantly became buddies along with Nick, Vinny, Thomas, Louis, and Madison. He's like a nerd but yet not a nerd. He blurts out fun facts a lot and sometimes it gets on my nerves. He's a cool guy though, and a great friend

"Okay then" I giggled as I ran my hands on my backpack straps. "Nick is freaking out dude, you should go look for him! Like asap" Jennifer said as she blew a bubble of her pink bubble gum.


Oh Jennifer. She's the girl who can be a total brat at one point but next thing you know, you love her! Once she told me off for lying to her about meeting her after school because of a project and she swore to never help me again but the next day she defended me from a guy that was talking a whole bunch of "jambo".

"Yeah, I know" I waved goodbye to them and walked through the doors. I saw Nick in the distance and started making my way over to him.


"What if Mikey doesn't show, Sarah!?!? What would I do then?" I asked as I shut my locker and placed one of my backpack straps on my shoulder, "I don't know" Sarah shrugged

I nodded and face palmed my forehead, "God are any of you my true friend's?". "Oh shut up Nick! You always say that when you get frustrated" Sarah hissed as she took a sip of her coffee.

I half smiled and started walking "Anyways how is Jason with that girl he's trying to get with," "I dont even know. He's suppose to show her around school today though..." Sarah said after she swallowed the coffee that filled her mouth. I sighed and looked towards. "Finally" I groaned and left Sarah behind to run over to Mikey


"Where the hell have you been fusco?" Nick grumbled, "Chill dude. I had to eat you know? So where is Lesley?' I asked.


Nick. Wow Nick. Like I said earlier he's one of the oldest and he's pretty popular I guess. He's a beast at dancing too just like all of us. That's one of the only reasons our whole group stays together. Because of our love and passion for dancing. Anyways back to my topic, Nick is older than most of us but he can still be a big baby sometimes. We all love him though and for some weird reason he takes promises really serious, like really serious.

"Lesley?" Sarah added as she appeared by Nick's side. "You didn't tell her who you were asking out?" I whispered into Nick's ear, "Look Sarah this is why I didn't tell you! I know you and Lesley don't really get along" Nick said as I faintly smiled. "Im gonna go... And pretend like I just got here, uh Mikey wheres Jason?" Sarah said as she punched Nick's shoulder, "He's at the bench. Oh and don't bother him he's texting a girl" I cued the last part.


Sarah. Sarah Smith. She's a beauty. She really is she's Jason's twin sister. And you expect them to fight all the time but they actually love each other a lot, Now don't get me wrong they do fight a lot but not all the time. Anyways Sarah is really cute and without her, our group wouldn't be the same. Like I can't imagine Jason but no Sarah.


I turned the corner and saw the school building in clear sight. I crossed the street and saw Jason sitting on a bench with two other girls. His friends I'm guess.

I walked over to them and ruffled Jason's hair. Jason looked up and a smile grew on his face that went from ear to ear. "Hey" I smiled, "Sorry for texting you a lot, I just wanted you to get here already" he said after biting his lip. "Oh thats okay, so..." I said awkwardly. "Well I'm Piper, and this is Jennifer" the girl with black hair and green almond shaped eyes smiled. "Sup" the girl next to her greeted. "Hello. I'm guessing you're Jason's friends right?" I asked , "Yeah" Piper smiled. "Okay well thats enough of that, C'mon Alexa i'll show you around" Jason rushed to say and then got up and hinted at me to follow him. I quickly waved to the girls ran after him. We went through the doors and the loud craziness of high school halls came back to me. I followed Jason's every turn. "Umm. So whats your locker number?" Jason turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Um. Hold on" I dug through my pocket trying to get the crinkled piece of paper out. "Its 307" I replied. "Alright" He said and I followed him.

"Dude, Sarah is looking for you... Who's this" A fairly tall guy giggled the last part. "She's a friend. And she's new so I'm showing her around" Jason replied. "This is your locker Jason pointed at a small locker with the number 307 engraved onto a small silver plaque. I smiled at Jason and the guy in front of us. "Sup, I'm Nick" he waved. "Alexa" I waved back. "Oh you're Alexa. Jason has been talk-" Nick was cut off by Jason smacking his chest and making a grunt noise. I giggled and Jason half smiled at me. I turned to my locker and put in my combination. I opened and unpacked some things from my bookbag and stuffed them nicely inside my locker.

Jason and Nick were chatting it up and mentioned the names Lesley and Mikey a couple of times. I continued placing my stuff in. I heard a third voice. It was a nice, soothing guys voice. I shut my locker and turned to them. The guy with the voice' eyes shot up right at me as I made a big slam noise with the locker door.

Oh no! It was the boy I saw this morning as I was walking to school. My face grew red. His eyes enlarged as he set his eyes upon me. I looked up and saw his gorgeous hazel brown eyes. He licked his lips. The stare went on but Nick caught it and elbowed the boy's shoulder.

"Alexa this is Michael" Jason introduced. "Hi" I blushed. I noticed Michael's face turn red too. "Call me Mikey" he bit his lip. I felt really attracted to Mikey. He was like the clouds to a sunny day. Or the stars to a shiny night. He was just absolutely attractive. I've never felt this way for guy before. The cocoons in my stomach shaped Into butterflies and flew around.

(A/N) So chapter two yay. How is the story so far. Is like yay, or nay. Tell me. So I hope you guys like this story and please Vote/Comment to get me up there, Thanks!


By Each Other's Side•A Mikey Fusco Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now