Preparing For Baby

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Amy's Prospective

I am now 3 months pregnant and in 2 months we are moving into my parents old house. I am not that big but you can tell that I am pregnant and then I have to start college in a week with Ricky. And people are going to stare at me just like in high school when people stared at me when I was pregnant with John. As I was laying in bed looking at the clock waiting for John to wake up suddenly John ran down the hall and climbed up on the bed and woke up Ricky I laughed because John jumped right on Ricky. Today me and Ricky were going to drop John off at the nursery and then go to our college and Ricky was going show me around the college. We got up and Ricky put the bed back into the couch and made all 3 of us eggs so we can get the day started right away. Ricky got John ready and then I jumped in the shower and got out then Ricky got in and out and we all got dressed and got in the car. We drove John to the nursery and dropped him off, then headed to the school once we got there I had a strange feeling but didn't say anything we got out of the car and headed up to the campus then I had to go to the bathroom. So I headed to the bathroom when I was done I came out holding my belly but I couldn't believe what I saw of course Clementine was talking to Ricky and I don't think Clementine knows we are married and we are having another baby. So I started walking towards them and said to Clementine "Oh Hi Clementine", I made sure my belly was sticking out to make sure she knew to back off. Clementine was staring at my belly for a minute or two then finally responded "Oh hi Amy I thought you were in New York?" Ricky cut in to make sure he answered first and said "She came back and we decided to get married". Clementine answered "Oh whens the wedding?" Ricky and I looked at each other and I answered "We got married 4 months ago." and then Clementine responded "Oh well congrats then".  I feel this weird thing in my stomach I hold my stomach Ricky and Clementine both look at me I say to Ricky "Ricky I think the baby is moving" Ricky quickly puts his hands on my stomach and the baby kicks and you can see Ricky hands move a little we both laugh Clementine just walked away and we didn't notice. Suddenly the baby just stopped kicking and we noticed Clementine walked away, so Ricky just started showing me the campus. The campus was beautiful I couldn't wait to be in college and see my husband to at the same time. After we were done Ricky dropped me off at the church nursery to work and he went to the butcher shop to work. When I get to the nursery I get a message from someone and then I look at my phone and figured it out the message was from Ben of course, the message read.

To Amy From Ben


Listen I know your married to Ricky but I love you and I want to be with you if you love me and want to be with me too meet me at my house at midnight tonight I will be waiting.


I didn't think Ben knew that Ricky and I are having another baby know one but only our families and Clementine knew. And I love Ricky and Ben is crazy if he thinks I am going to leave Ricky and John and our baby.

Transition to The Butcher Shop - Ricky's Prospective 

I heard my phone beep and realized I had got a message I checked my phone and it was from Adrian I wasn't too happy it was from her considering she doesn't know that Amy is pregnant. The message read.

To Ricky From Adrian 


Listen I know your married to Amy but I am still in love with you and I want to be with you if you love me and want to be with me too meet me outside of the butcher shop at midnight tonight I will be waiting.


I can't believe Adrian would send this but I have a feeling this is all part of her and Ben's plan to break me and Amy up Ben probable texted Amy the same thing. And now we have to tell them that Amy is pregnant because then maybe they will leave us alone. Then butcher shop was closed so I went to go pick up John and Amy.

Transition to The Church Nursery - Amy's Prospective

I wonder if Adrian sent the same message to Ricky when he comes to pick us up I am going to ask him. As I went to go grab John just as Ricky walks through the door before I grab John I walk up to Ricky and ask him "Did Adrian text you about being with her and leaving me, because Ben texted me that he loves me and wants me to go with him. He answered "Yes but they have this plan to break us up and I know it, lets go home come on maybe if we call the doctor we can figure out if we can have a little fun with each other. I blushed then said "Okay I am going to go get John" Ricky smirked and I grabbed John and on the way home I called the doctor and she said it was okay to have sex then Ricky knew that the doctor said okay he smirked until we got home. We quickly fed John and read him a bed time story and he fell asleep it was midnight by the time everything that was cleaned up. Adrian and Ben wanted me and Ricky to meet them and run away with them. Then Ricky made the bed and said "So are you tired or are you up for having some fun?" I walked up to him and started kissing him I pulled back and said "Does that answer your question". I went on the bed and we had a make out session he started taking off my shirt then I took his off and his pants until he was in his boxers and I was in my bra and underwear once we started having sex I remember that Adrian was waiting outside and once we were done we were sitting in the covers warm and cozy. Then we fell asleep in the sheets when we heard a knock Ricky put his boxers on and his shirt and pants and I put my robe on and went to the bathroom when Ricky opened the door. And it was Adrian she walked in and saw the covers all messed up and said "So I see you wanted to have a little fun before you left with me" I could hear everything. Ricky then said "I am never going to abandon Amy and John and" then Adrian cut in "And What?" before Ricky could answer I put on a pajama shirt where you could tell I was having a baby and pajama pants and walked out and said "He isn't going to leave this baby either". Adrian had a shocked face then said "Wow you knocked her up a second time" I decided to say "We decided we want a baby so deal with it and we would like to go back to having sex so if you can please leave" Adrian answered "Okay just remember to use a condom oh wait you are already pregnant bye" Ricky shut the door and we went back to bed. 

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