The Wedding Is Here!

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Amy's Prospective

As I awake to Ricky sleeping right next to me, I remembered that the groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding. All the girls in the wedding Me, Grace,Adrian,Ashley,and my mom, and Margret and Nora even though Margret and Nora and my mom aren't in the wedding they are still meeting us at my parents house even though its going up for sale since mom is in Palm Springs and dad is living with his first wife Kathleen. Then Ricky and John and my dad and Jack and Ben and Toby and Shaker are meeting at Margret and Shaker's house. Ricky and I are happy with our choice of people in our wedding especially that Jack is Ricky's best man and Grace is my maid of honer. And it's great because Grace and Jack are getting married too. I grabbed my stuff that I needed like my make up but everything else is at my dads house, and I left a note on my pillow kissed Ricky on the cheek softly so he wouldn't wake up. I headed out the door to my car then to my dads house.

Transition to The Apartment  - Ricky's Prospective 

I woke up and was wondering where Amy was then I found the note read it then remember that I had to be at my parents house to get ready for the wedding. I grabbed John and fed him breakfast then got in the car and headed to Margret and Shaker's.

Transition to The Juergens Household - Amy's Prospective

As I walked into my parents house everyone was waiting on me. I said "Sorry to keep you guys waiting" but they didn't care. Then Grace and Adrian got up grabbed my hands and pulled me into the master bathroom to do my makeup. As Adrian grabbed the eyeliner I twitched when she started putting it on me because I haven't ever put on eyeliner but I wanted to look my best for Ricky on our wedding day. 

1 hour later.......

My makeup is done and my hair is done I have 1 hour left till the wedding starts at 1:00 at Jack's dads church. The last touch is the dress, I had my dress altered to a beautiful dress that is knee high and strapless and nice and clean white dress with a lace veil and white heels. And the boys are driving there and the girls get the limo.

Transition to Margret and Shaker's Household - Ricky's Prospective

Everyone here is almost ready the last person to get ready is John, he is the ring bear and he has to wear a mini tux Amy and I laughed when we were picking it out. The church isn't that far away but since the groom can't see the bride we have to drive there and get into a certain area till the wedding starts. And Amy's dad and my dad are the users and our mothers have to make sure everyone is in place and in order for when it starts. All of the groomsmen and the ring bear and the rest of the boys have to leave to get there because people will be arriving soon. 

Transition to The Juergens Household and The Church - Amy's Prospective

I am dressed in my wedding dress and my bridesmaids and my maid of honer are dressed in their dresses and ready to get in the limo. Finally everyone is in the limo ready to head to the church. Everyone goes in front of me to make sure if Ricky's out that he doesn't see me before the wedding. We get to our area where the boys can't see us, my dad and Ricky's dad our escorting everyone into the church. Everyone is in the church my mom is sitting on one side and Ricky's parents and his birth mom are sitting on the other side. And everyone from high school and Ricky's friends and my friends are in the church.

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