The Honeymoon

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Amy's Prospective

As we board the plane Ricky looks at me and I kiss him then we start kissing passionately and we stop finally to catch our breath. Ricky feel asleep right away but towards the end of the flight I fell asleep then I woke up when we were finally in the Bahamas. I wake Ricky up and we get our luggage and head to the hotel we got a good deal for our hotel we got the honeymoon suite. When we walked into are suite it had a bedroom and a mini kitchen and a really nice shower and living room space and more. Ricky took my suitcase and his suitcase and put them in the living room and grabbed me and through me into the bedroom. He started kissing my neck right before I said "Did you lock the front door?" and he said "yes" then he went back to kissing my neck and we made love for our first time as man and wife. When we were done we both were out of breath then my phone beeped it was a text from Madison it read.

To Amy From Madison

Amy I heard that Ben followed you to The Bahamas and he took Adrian

 because they wanted to spy on you and Ricky this is just a heads up.

I then turn back to Ricky and say we have a problem. He then said "What is John okay what's wrong?" "No John's fine Madison texted me and said that Ben and Adrian are here they wanted to spy on us, I thought Adrian was happy we were getting married but I guess not." I said.  "I don't think Adrian and Ben will ever be okay with us married, but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun I mean didn't we just have fun we can still have fun there is a pool and other activities we can do." Ricky said. I answered "I guess so you want to go to the pool its still super sunny?" He replied "Of course lets go get our suits on". Ricky through my bikini at me, we changed and grabbed our towels and sunscreen and headed to the pool. Ricky wanted to swim but I wanted to tan so we did half and half we tanned first when our hour of tanning was done Ricky grabbed me and threaten to throw me in the pool as a joke but he was nice and he jumped in the pool first and I just put my feet in to get use to the water then Ricky grabbed my feet and pulled me in. Then I saw Adrian and Ben were heading towards us Ricky turn around he turns and see's Adrian and Ben coming up to us. I said "Great", Adrian walked up to us and said "Hi Ricky oh and hi Amy. I answered " Hi Adrian what are you guys doing here?" She replied "Ben and I wanted to get away for a while and said he was going to The Bahamas and he invited me I had know idea you guys were going to be here" I then thought to myself I took Grace and Adrian out and told them where we were going for our honeymoon so maybe this was on purpose. I looked back at Ricky and said "Well its good to see you guys again but Ricky I am getting tired so maybe we should go rest then go out to dinner then go back to our hotel". We got out of the pool and said our goodbyes to Adrian and Ben and went to go grab our stuff and go to the hotel to get ready for dinner. I told Ricky that I was getting in the shower and I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on and put a towel around me till the shower heated up. While I was waiting I went out of the bathroom in my towel only and asked Ricky if he wanted to join me in the shower and then he quickly got undressed and took my towel and we hoped in the shower together. When we got out it was 6:00 time for dinner our dinner reservations were at 6:15 which gave us just enough time to get down there. But of course once we got seated Adrian and Ben were getting seated and there table was right next to us which was great because now Ricky and me can't talk about our lives and the future.

Then Ben said "I didn't know you guys would be here tonight!"                                                                                  "We didn't know you guys would be here either" I said Ricky and I went back to what we were doing. "Do you guys want anymore children?" Adrian asked, then Ricky said "I think maybe I want John to have a brother or sister at least but I don't know if we should have a new baby right now because of collage and work". They both answered  Oh. 

1 hour later.......

The check came and Ricky payed it and we left it seem like forever being in there but we survived it. Ricky kissed me as we entered the hotel room he started kissing my neck and we moved it into the bedroom. I was so happy being with Ricky and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. 

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