Back At Home!

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Amy's Prospective

Ricky and I just got off of our flight and are headed to my dad's and Kathleen's house to pick up John. Once we got there Grace answered the door and said "Hi how are you guys how was The Bahamas?" Ricky said "It was amazing but the bad thing was that we saw Adrian and Ben there the whole time and Amy remembered telling you and Adrian that for the honeymoon we were going to The Bahamas". Grace replied "Yep I remember Amy told us and Adrian said that she would love to go to The Bahamas". "Well she met us there with Ben I guess and they followed us everywhere and showed up on our dinner reservations" I said. Then I asked "Grace can I use the bathroom really quick?" Grace said "Sure go a head its down the hall". "Thanks Grace" I said, I walked down the hall into the bathroom the bathroom was huge and then I lifted up the toilet seat and I through up. Then I took out my phone and texted Grace.

To Grace From Amy


Come into the bathroom don't tell Ricky where you are going! Hurry!


I sent the message to her then a few minutes she knocked on the door and was in the bathroom with me. She then asked me "Amy did you throw up?" i then replied "Yes". Grace left went upstairs and then came back and handed me a brown paper bag. I then asked her "Why do you have this laying around?", she answered "I had a feeling when you were going to come back from the honeymoon something like this could be possible. I opened the brown paper bag and opened the pregnancy test and took it 5 minutes later I looked at the test the results had come back and I looked at the test then I looked at Grace and we were both shocked. 

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