It's Called Self-Defense

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"Did I scare you?" he asked, his voice holding a note of amusement as well.

I let out my breath. "Holy crap." I replied.

The kid just laughed. "I'm Liam." he said, sticking out his hand for me to shake.

I shook it. "Cara." I said.

He nodded and them continued. "I'm new here, obviously." he finished.

I bit my lip, but then decided to ask him my question. "What grade-" I started.

"Eleventh." he said before I could finish. "I'm a junior."

He looked toward the door again.

"Oh, she won't be back until the end of class. She leaves at pretty much the same time everyday." I said, thinking he was wondering about Eve.

"Ah." he replied. He paused for a moment and I noticed that he bit his lip in the same way I did when I was wondering whether or not I should say something.

"Does she do that everyday?" he asked abruptly.

My eyes widened but then I looked down, playing with my pencil.

"Uh.. yeah." I mumbled. "Yeah, she does."

There was a silence again, but then he spoke. "Hey."

I looked up. "You shouldn't let her get to you. If you ignore her, she'll realize you're stronger than she thought." he said.

Was I really having this conversation with a kid if just met?

"Cara." he said again.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and my gray-green eyes focused on his liquid brown ones.

"I'll try." I said.

He nodded and I turned to look at the clock. "You'd better go before she comes back and bites both our heads off." I said somewhat darkly.

Liam stood up, but hovered there. "Until next time?" he asked.

I hesitated, but then nodded. "Yeah." was all I said.

He returned to his desk just as the queen herself reappeared. She kicked my desk with an "oops" and a dark chuckle as she passed by me on her way to Liam. I scowled at her back. The bell rang only minutes later, and I gathered my books and shot out the door before Eve or Liam could catch me.

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