My Mother is a Sociopath

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The clock struck 12. I yawned. Why wasn't my mom back from work yet? She promised she would come home early to celebrate my birthday with me. And I was turning 18, for crying out loud! Lately, she hasn't been caring about anything important happening in my life. She missed me getting my driver's license, missed my high school graduation, and missed the open house of my new college, Cornell University. I sighed. How could working as a pediatrician have to stay at an office this late?

A few minutes passed, and I got really tired. I was about to go upstairs and collapse on my bed when I heard the sound of keys. The door unlocked, and there stood my mom. I gasped. Her blonde pixie-cut hair was stained with a strange red substance, and so were her clothes. 

"...Mom...what happened to you?" I raised my eyebrow, confused. I'm pretty sure a little kid wouldn't bleed this much.

"N-nothing dear, don't worry about it. I apologize for not coming earlier, I had some business to attend to. Happy birthday though, I hope you enjoy your present" she smiled weakly with an expression on her face that looked like she could care less. She tossed me a set of keys and told me to go outside. My eyes widened. It was a brand new Nissan Sentra. I was shocked. I never expected her to get me such a nice present, considering she missed my celebration. 

"Mom, you really didn't have to." I chuckled nervously.

"Don't be silly Cécile, you deserve this. I haven't been a very good parent lately, I'm sorry." my mom frowned.

"It's okay, mom. You should just wash off and take a good rest. You look exhausted! What did you do at this time of the day?" I wondered out loud.

"Oh, just some paperwork and cleaning in the office. Well, you should go to sleep. I'm just going to eat some dinner first. Good night, honey." she said.

I yawned, went upstairs, and plopped onto my bed. I then drifted into a long, dreamless sleep.

~*~*~Next Day~*~*~

I locked the front door and unlocked my new car. I was so excited. My cousin, Tina, invited me to go to the Shiro Roses concert, the one I've been looking so forward to. Her best friend worked in the studio they recorded in and got her free tickets and backstage passes. I squealed and at the same time, I felt a vibration from my phone. I flipped it open. "Are you ready yet, Cécile? Please pick me up ASAP! My legs are sore );" it said. I chuckled. Tina was so whiny that sometimes you wouldn't even think she's in her last year of college. "I'm coming now, you butt." I typed back to her.

I drove to Dunkin' Donuts, where she told me she was waiting. She opened the door. "Whoa! Sweet ride, Cécile!" Tina glared at me. "I'm jealous. I'm almost finished with college already, and yet I don't even have a car. Wish my mom was as nice as yours..." she sighed.

I giggled. "Tina, just get a job or something!"

"But I hate working. You should know by now." she moaned.

"Then wait until your mom finally gets you a car. Aunt Sammy is nice enough. Don't worry, just make her proud of you. You'll probably get it once you get your degree." I told her.

We finally arrived at the concert, with Tina's constant moaning and my inspiring phrases. Tina said we were allowed to go backstage before the concert started and we could meet the members of Shiro Roses. We showed the security guards our passes and he let us through. I scanned the huge room for Jun Nakeshima, my idol. As I was about to ask Tina where he was, a lady wearing a business suit came over to us.

"Excuse me young ladies, but who permitted you to enter? This is for staff only, unless you have a pass or something." the woman tipped her glasses. 

Tina and I showed the lady our passes, and she let us stay. "I'm Jun's manager by the way. My name's Erika. What about you guys? She smiled nervously.

"Err...I'm Cécile, and this is my cousin Tina. Is it okay if we meet Jun?" I said excitedly.

Karen gulped. "I would love to introduce you to him...but...he and the other members are in the hospital now..."

My jaw dropped. My wonderful Jun, bedridden in a hospital? What happened to him? Would he still be able to attend the concert? Was he hurt in any way? All these questions flowed through my brain, but I managed to croak out, "C-c-can I go check on him? What happened?"

"S-sure Cécile, I'll drive you and Tina there." Erika coughed.

We soon got to the hospital. Tina went to go to the bathroom. "May we visit Jun Nakeshima? I'm his manager, Erika." Erika said to the lady at the front.

"Sure. Please don't stay too long." the lady said as she told us what room number and gave us visitor passes.

Erika and I entered quietly and suddenly heard something like glass shattering. Erika rushed inside and I almost choked. There stood my mom with a chainsaw in her hand and a dying nurse beside her.

"M-m-mom?" I stuttered. "Wh-what are you doing  here? A-and...WHY DO YOU HAVE A CHAINSAW IN YOUR HAND? WHY ARE YOU COVERED WITH BLOOD? WHY ARE YOU SMILING IN A CREEPY WAY? WHY IS THAT NURSE BLEEDING ALL OVER? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" I shrieked, all the questions coming out at once.

"Cécile? Oh my...this was unexpected." my mom pursed her lips.


"Cécile, she's your mom?" Erika butted in. "Well I'm sorry, but I have to arrest her. Recently she's been killing people for no reason. She almost murdered Jun, and she probably just killed that innocent nurse."

"Is that why you've been staying so late at your 'job'? What's wrong with you?" I blurted out with tears streaming down my face.

"Well you know, something runs in our family. Your great-grandmother had it too. Every 2 generations, a woman is born a sociopath. I can't help it Cécile, I just have to kill! If I didn't, I would be going berserk every day. Oh!" she put her fingers on her temples. "Yup, it's starting again. The painful headaches when I don't kill."

My eye twitched, and I fainted. A few seconds before that, I felt a sharp pain in my chest that felt like I was dying. I couldn't even breathe.

~*~*~Tina's POV~*~*~

I walked to the front desk and asked for Jun Nakeshima's room. I went to look around for it and heard a scream. I ran to the place where I heard it and opened the door. "TINA! H-HELP! LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO CÉCILE!" Erika screamed at me.

My jaw dropped. Cécile was laying on the floor with a chainsaw stuck in her chest. "Hi Tina, do you want to be next?" Cécile's mom smiled eerily at me. 



Trying to upload more to stay on the horror






And all that stuff.


Hope you enjoy!


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