Devilishly Masked

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"Dakota! It's Halloween tomorrow and guess who's throwing another amazing party this year!" my best friend Elizabeth smirked.

"Let me think for a sec." I pretended to be deep in thought. "Malia Hamlin? No way!" I said in a fake surprised voice.

"Nice sarcasm there." Liz rolled her eyes. "She said we're usual. Going this year?" she asked me.

"Duh! My favorite time of the year, Malia's party, why would I miss that?" I scoffed.

"Great! It's one of those cliché costume parties, so you have to wear a costume to enter. If you don't have one, I have this adorable maid outfit for you, and with you skinny figure, you'd look so hot!" Liz babbled excitedly. I imagined what kind of horrendous outfit she's already prepared for me and shuddered. Liz had such a slutty sense of style that it was scary sometimes.

"N-no it's okay! I already have one!" I insisted before she could show me a picture of it.

"Awesome. I'll pick you up at 8:00 then!" she waved as she headed towards the bus.

~*~*~Next Day~*~*~

I snickered. It was the right choice to let Terrence buy my costume for me. He bought me this wicked devil mask from Party City and it was perfect to scare the guts out of people there. "Thanks again Terrence." I smiled innocently at Terrence. "I'm leaving for school now."

"No probs sis. Anytime." he flashed me a grin.

I locked the door and walked over to Elizabeth's house. I knocked on her door and waited for her to swing open the front door with a comb in her hand combing her hair and a bagel in the other hand. As always, I predicted correctly. Liz was in the middle of tying her hair into a ponytail and said to me, "Let's go before we're late" with her mouth full, so it sounded like "Lesh go behore wer rate!"

I chuckled and an idea popped into my mind. Liz was obviously half asleep so it was the perfect time for me to scare her for Halloween. I pulled off the loose string that was hanging from my uniform and squeezed it into a tiny ball. I placed it on her shoulder and yelped, "There's a spider on you!" 

It worked. Liz freaked out and started spazzing out. "GET IT OFF! GET IF OFF!" she screamed. She dropped her comb and brushed off her shoulder frantically. "IS IT STILL THERE, DAKOTA?" she asked me.

I burst into laughter. "That's a piece of thread, idiot!" Liz's horrified face turned into a dumbfounded expression, and then into a glare. 

"Dude, you know I'm scared of spiders. You suck, go die in a hole." she snapped.

 I chuckled. "Let's go already, slowpoke." I grabbed her arm and dragged her by the ear.

"Ow-ow-ow-hair-HAIR!" she whined.

~*~*~At home~*~*~

Ugh. School was terrible. I had just passed my geometry test, and my mom was still gonna kill me for a C- on my chemistry paper. I groaned. At least I could enjoy tonight for once. I put on a red over-sized tee with a devil face on it, black leggings, and red boots. I slipped on the mask, and just in time, Liz texted me. I unlocked my phone and read the text. "Come outside, I'm waiting!!" it said. I ran outside and she drove to Malia's house.

~*~*~At the party~*~*~

Whoa! This party was incredible! Everyone had amazing costumes, there was good food (as I predicted!), the entertainment was fun, and a couple of people had the living daylights scared out of them when they looked at my face. That was the best part, seeing their reactions. It was 11:50, almost time for the magic act. I grinned as I looked around for Malia, because she hasn't seen my face yet. Suddenly, I heard the DJ tap the microphone a few times, to test if it was working or not.

"Ghouls and witches! Welcome to Malia's rockin' Halloween party of 2011!" he screamed as everybody started cheering. "Let's come out on the dance floor and party it up!" he said as he put on the song "The Ghost of You" by My Chemical Romance. I smiled. My Chemical Romance is such an awesome band. I started dancing, and before I knew it, the lights were shut off. I heard a deadly howl and grinned. It was12:00. All of a sudden, my face went numb. It felt like I had no face at all. I couldn't even breathe through my mask. I tried prying it off my face, but it seemed like it was molded on or something. Suddenly, I felt an evil aura both inside and outside of me. It was almost as if a dark spirit had swallowed me and took over my spirit. I looked in the mirror before fainting and saw a face that wasn't even mine staring at me with glowing red eyes. The face of the devil.

~*~*~Liz's POV~*~*~

I looked around for Dakota, because I had that special Halloween surprise for her. As revenge for this morning with the "spider" incident. I held a bottle of silly streams behind my back as I went to look for her. I saw glowing red eyes, and thought, "Yeah, that's definitely Dakota. Let's go spray this on her hair." 

I tiptoed over to her, careful not to bump into anyone or make a sound. I tapped her on the shoulder and starting spraying. "That's what you get, you butt!" I laughed. I looked over at her for her reaction and stopped laughing. That wasn't Dakota, it was a monster. The monster's eerie crimson eyes copied my expression, then soon turned into a creepy smirk. It's teeth then sank into my hand and I passed out.

I woke up in the hospital, dazed by how I got here. Then it hit me. I was bitten by that creature with the mask.


FINALLY UPLOADED. After like....what...a month or something? Iunno o.o

Thanks to EllaBond69 for the 50+ votes! You're so awesome (:






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