Camp Buddies...Forever

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"Maddie! I'm gonna miss you so much! Promise to e-mail and call me every day?" I asked.

"Of course! These three weeks have been the best weeks of my life, and I'll never forget it. Camp buddies forever?" Maddie smiled.

"Forever and always." I grinned. We gave each other one last goodbye hug, as we both left in separate directions towards our rides, away from Camp Woodland.

~*~*~Two weeks later~*~*~

I was so excited. After two weeks of not seeing Maddie, we were finally going to meet up at bungee jumping! I grabbed all my things and called Maddie. I heard the dial tone for a few seconds, then she picked up.


"Hey Mads. You ready yet?"

"Yeah. Are you coming now?"

"Yeah, I'm already in the car on the way to your house. I should be there in about 10 minutes."

"Okay. See ya then!"


I hung up, and told my sister Rebecca to hurry up. "Hurry up Becca, me and Maddie have so much to talk about!" I gushed.

"Sarah bear, you're lucky that you're even getting a ride. Shut up and be patient." Rebecca sighed.

We finally arrived at Maddie's house. I opened the car door and sprinted towards the door. I rang the doorbell, and calmly waited outside. No one answered the door. I peeked through the window to check if anyone was home, and the lights were off. I became confused. Hadn't I just called Maddie 10minutes ago? I decided to call her again to ask her if she was ready or not.

I heard the dial tone, then it went straight to voice mail. "The number you have reached is currently not available. Please hang up or..." I pressed the end button. I sighed. Where was Maddie?

Suddenly, her front door opened. A lady stood there, with a terrified expression. "Ar-are you Sarah?" she trembled.

"Yes ma'am." I replied.

"Mad-Madeleine...did she ever tell you she has an-anemia?" the lady's voice shook.

"Well yeah, but she said it wasn't that serious. As long as she doesn't bleed or anything." I said, confused.

The lady sniffled. "Well, a few minutes ago after you called, she ran upstairs to get the present she had for you. We have a glass figurine collection in our house, and she probably got so excited that she tripped and the glass figurines shattered all over her. She got hurt very badly, and I sent her to the hospital, and I noticed she lost a lot of blood...I'm very scared for her."

"Holy fudge! Glass shattered...ALL OVER HER? Oh my god! Which hospital is she at, I wanna see if she's okay!" I screamed.

"Sarah sweetheart, please calm down. Madeleine's brother works at the hospital nearby, so I called him to send an ambulance here. I trust Stanley to make sure Madeleine will manage." the lady whispered.

"I'm still gonna go though. I want to be there to comfort her through all that trouble." I told her. "Need a ride?"

"Sure thing. In case you didn't know, I'm Madeleine's mother." she smiled weakly.

I walked over to Becca's car. "Hey Becs, can you drive me and Mrs. Fulton to the hospital? Maddie's injured, and we want to check up on her." I asked her.

Becca sighed. She was going to meet her boyfriend at the movies after she dropped me off, but apparently that had to wait. I gave her my best puppy dog look, the one that always worked on her when we were younger. "You suck, Sarah. Using the puppy dog face" she groaned. "Fine."

We headed to the hospital, and we got there about 10 minutes later. Rebecca gave me $20. "Here's some cab fare, Jake's gonna be worried if I'm late. Tell Maddie I hope she get's better!" said Rebecca as she drove off.

Mrs. Fulton went up to the counter and asked the receptionist, "Can me and this young lady go up to Madeleine Jessie Fulton's room?"

"Yes, are you her family or close friends?" the receptionist asked.

"Yeah, I'm her mother and this is her good friend Sarah." Mrs. Fulton said.

"Okay then, let me just hand you visitor passes." the receptionist smiled. She reached underneath the desk and pulled out two visitor passes. "You only have 10 minutes in there, the doctor needs to perform more blood tests." she informed us.

We went up to Maddie's room and opened the door. My jaw dropped. A young man stood there, crying his eyes out, and the doctor and nurses looked really depressed. I glanced over at the monitor that counts your heartbeats, and it was a flat line. I gasped. That meant...Maddie was dead. My eyes widened, and started to fill with tears. The same thing happened happened to Mrs. Fulton, and pretty soon we were both sobbing hysterically. The doctor broke the long silence and said, "We're sorry Mrs. Fulton. Madeleine has lost too much blood, and there wasn't enough time to give a blood transfusion. We're terribly sorry for your loss."

 Mrs. Fulton's eyes were puffy and her face was all red, and she couldn't even respond to what the doctor had just said to her. The doctor told us to exit quietly, he would take care of this later. We left the room flabbergasted.

~*~*~A few hours later~*~*~

I yawned. All that crying made me really tired. I decided to go to sleep, since it was already 9:30. I changed into my pajamas and crept into bed. I turned off the lamp beside my bed and closed my eyes. 

I don't know what time it was, but I suddenly heard really loud footsteps. My eyes opened slowly. I looked around, and there was no one. "Maybe little Angie went to use the bathroom again." I thought to myself. I exhaled, and closed my eyes again. They became wide once more as I heard soft scuttering on my wooden floor. I shuddered. What was that?

I rolled to my right side and was just about to go to sleep again when something popped out under my bed. It looked like a huge dust bunny or something. I bent down and peeked closer. All of a sudden, a ghost-like figure slid out from under my bed. My scream was cut off by a hand clamped over my mouth. "Shhh. Calm down Sarah. It's just me, Maddie." the figure whispered.

"M-M-MADDIE? What the- You're dead! You died from the glass!" I whispered as my eyes started tearing up.

"Sarah, it's me, Maddie. I know I died, but I wanted to see you before I go." Maddie's ghost said.

"W-What do you want?" I said with a trembling voice.

"Remember the promise we made two weeks ago? We're camp buddies, forever and always!" she smiled.

"B-b-but that was before y-"

"Relax, Sarah. I found a way for us to still be together for eternity." Maddie said. She  pulled out a knife that I didn't see she had before. Her sweet smile turned into an evil grin.

"Forever and always, Sarah. Camp buddies...forever." Maddie cackled as she plunged the knife into my heart.



First thing: Thank you for whoever's reading this for 3k reads! I feel so accomplished, lol ;D

Second thing: Sorry it takes a month to post now T__T Not that you all care anyways. Since uploading is slower, the stories will be longer now I guess .__.

Third thing: I just noticed all my stories are practically the same. A person dies, some other person close to them is sleeping in bed, they wake up, the person's ghost is there, and they die. Lmao, sorry! I'll try to change it next time :D

Have a good day!


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