Chapter 18

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He yowled toward his Clan, "The best part of being clan leader is performing a ceremony. And I now have one to perform.

"I saw how these cats fought bravely and healed others during the battle. They have deserved to be named as full warriors."

Darkpaw, and Fuzzypaw exchanged glances.

"Fuzzypaw, Darkpaw, Whitepaw, and Rainpaw? Please step forward," continued the leader, then he spoke to each mentor, "do you think your apprentice has learned the ways of a warrior, and has deserved his warrior name?"

"Yes," they all replied.

"Do you, Fuzzypaw, Rainpaw, and Darkpaw, promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then, by the powers of StarClan, I name you a warrior in your turn. Fuzzypaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Fuzzyfeather. Rainpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Rainstrike. And Darkpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Darkheart. Then--"

Darkheart cut her leader off with a growl. "No," she hissed. "I will not be named Darkheart. I will be named after my father, Smokefire. My name will be Darkfire."

Tigerstar blinked in surprise. "Darkfire? I don't know. You can't just switch your name like that."

Darkheart dipped her head. "I love my father, Tigerstar. I Want to honor him in the best way. I will serve my name well."

Tigerstar twitched his whisker. "Fine. You will be known as Darkfire."

Rainscar flocked an ear. "You let her do that, just like that?"

Fuzzy feather let out a spit. "Because she was honoring her dead father, flea-brain," he growled.  

Rainstrike rolled his scornful blue eyes. "You're just defending her because you like her," he told Fuzzyfeather with a hiss.

Fuzzyfeather reared up. "Really?" he growled. "And you don't?"

Darkfire twitched her tail. "Stop fighting," she warned the toms. "Tigerstar still has to conduct Whitepaw's ceremony."

Tigerstar nodded. "Right. Flowerpool, has your apprentice learned the ways of the medicine cat code, and has deserved her medicine cat name?"

Flowerpool nodded. "She's ready as she'll ever be."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your medicine cat name. Whitepaw, do you promise to uphold the medicine cat code, even at the cost of your life?"

Whitepaw's eyes widened. "I do!"

"Then from this moment on, you shall be known as Whitewhisker."

Whitewhisker nodded. "I will be the best medicine cat I can," she promised.

"FUZZYFEATHER! RAINSTRIKE! DARKFIRE! WHITEWHISKER!" the Clan called out to their newest Clan members.

Darkfire's chest swelled with pride. She was a full Clan warrior!

Darkfire's Heart - Book One of the DangerClan Series (WATTY'S 2016)Where stories live. Discover now