Chapter 14

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I wake up slightly colder than I should be considering the large source of heat coming from next to me known as Mikey. I peek at the clock on my dresser near the foot of my bed to see that it is only 7:24. Lately I haven't been able to sleep in at all.

Knowing that I won't be falling back asleep I slowly get out of bed and walk to my bathroom to see the mess of my face for today. I take my contacts out and see that my face doesn't look horrible it just needs to be washed which is normal. I then proceed to do just that.

Next step my hair, I pull it out of my bun to see that it has some nice curl to it. Silently thanking my naturally wavy hair I head back to my room where I see Mikey still sound asleep.

Realizing that today is Monday and I have to put a video up I start setting my camera equipment up trying not to wake Mikey. Somehow he is still sound asleep when I start filming.

"I woke up this morning and saw that I looked okay so I'm going to film a video for you guys. Hey guys it's Madi here. Well currently it is 7:37 in the morning," I say as I check my phone for the time. "And I have a wild Michael Joseph Murphy in my bed." I move out of the way to see a blurred out Mikey laying in bed. "Those of you who have been subscribed to this channel for a while might think this is weird. Although my new subscribers probably have stalked my Twitter and know that I recently met this large lump that's sleeping.

"I have decided to explain my channel to my new subscribers and to tell you all what will be happening next with my channel. So welcome new viewers and hopefully subscribers, I am Madelyn Jakobs but I go by Madi. My channel up until now has been pretty small. I make weird videos that consist of me talking to my camera. Every so often there will be a different type of video but mainly I just talk." As I'm explaining I can hear Mikey shifting around in bed, I have probably woken him up.

"Madi what're you doing?" Mikey grumbles as he moves closer to where I am sitting.

"I'm filming a video sleepy head, say hi to my viewers." I say as I widen my field of view on my camera to see him clearly. Mikey puts up a peace sign but doesn't say anything he just watches me as I continue filming.

"So as you guys can see I have made some friends this past weekend, Mikey being one of them. I also met Connor Franta, Luke Korns, Tyler Oakley and Alexis G. Zall." I decide to put up pictures off them when I edit this. "Hopefully you know them but if you don't their channels will be in the description or you can click any of their faces.

"Anyway what is going to happen with this channel. I will still be making videos like this." I gesture to the camera and my set up. "But I will be making more collabs with other YouTubers and since I did my film class I want to be doing more skits and scripted things."

"So guys I really would love for you to stick around to watch my channel grow and if you want go follow me on all my social media links below. Give this video a thumbs up if you liked it." I show a thumbs up and so does Mikey, "We filmed another video on his channel so click his face to see that and his links will be down below as well. Subscribe if you're not already, and I will see you guys later. Bye." I end the video my usual way as I wave.

"You should've woken me up we could've filmed a challenge or something." Mikey complains when I stop recording.

"I know but you looked so peaceful sleeping and I really just wanted to address my large quantity of new viewers thanks to you and the other guys." I reply as I take my SD card out of my camera and turn my computer on across the room.

"So what is the plan for today Miss Jakobs?" Mikey asks sitting up as I open my video editing software.

"Well I have to edit this and you need to get back to Anaheim. Sorry I can't hang out again I have a few things I need to do today."

"Yeah I understand I need to pack for Ireland anyway."

"How long will you be there?" I ask while quickly editing my video.

"Uh not long maybe a couple of weeks. What are you going to do while I'm gone?"

"Well actually I am heading to the river tomorrow and then when I come back I have a few chill days here then I am off to Bass Lake."

"So you're saying you won't miss me because you will be so busy with your own life." Mikey says as he stands behind me while I start exporting.

"I have lived my 16 years of life without meeting you and being friends I'm pretty sure I will survive a couple of weeks."

"That hurt Madi I thought this relationship meant something to you." Mikey says fake being hurt by what I said. "When I get back will we be able to hang out?"

"Considering that I am starting school in about a month I don't know because my tennis season starts pretty much right when I get back from Bass." I say actually sad because Mikey probably will be going back to New Jersey for a while too.

"Dang well I will get ready to head out so I can let you pack and do your stuff but don't get me wrong I will be texting you the minute I get back to my hotel." Mikey says walking into my bathroom.

"Just make sure you don't text and drive mister I don't want to be on one of those commercials holding up a sign of the last text I sent you." I reply to him as I finish making my thumbnail.

The next hour is chaos of breakfast and questions. When it is finally time for Mikey to leave we are all standing on my porch.

"Well it was a pleasure to have you, if you are ever back in Huntington do not hesitate to come over." My dad says while shaking Mikey's hand then heading back inside.

"It was very nice of you to let me stay." Mikey says to my mom while she heads inside with my dad leaving Mikey and I.

"I am going to miss you. Even though we will probably text and Skype and all that." I say looking at the ground not wanting to cry. I am very bad with emotions and having people leave.

"Hey don't worry I will tweet at you more than once a day, my fans will get so annoyed they will want to stab me like Julius Caesar." Mikey says making me laugh as he pulls me into a hug.

"I won't turn on you like his trusted men did him." I mumble into his shirt as I hug him back. "Bye Mikey."

"This isn't goodbye it's just a 'see you later' kind of a thing." Mikey says as he gets in his car and starts driving off. As for me, I stay on the curb as tears roll down my face because I know it's just a 'See you later' but this later won't come for a long time.

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