Chapter 6

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Behind the signing hall there was a green room where a few YouTubers were hanging out. They were all very famous and I knew all of their channels. Although, I don't want to ask for a picture or anything because I am too socially awkward and I feel like I must respect that they came back here to take a break away from fans.

I've been hanging out not knowing what to do for probably 30 minutes. Mikey told me that I can't leave until he can make sure I'm ok. It's totally normal that I have panic attacks, well not normal but it's not unusual. I'm fine now and I want to leave because I have to get back to Eliza.

ELIZA! I forgot to call her to tell her I'm fine. Immediately I grab my phone and dial her number.

"I was starting to worry that you died." Eliza answers at the first ring.

"Yeah sorry I went to the lobby of the hotel and started having a panic attack." I start to explain.

"But are you good now?" I can hear the concern in her voice even through the phone.

"I'm fine someone came to help me but I won't be able to come back for around 2 or 3 more hours."

"Wait why?"

"Because the person who helped me needed to go do something and they won't let me leave until they come back to make sure I am alright."

"So are you going to tell me where you are and who this mysterious person is?"

"Uh not right now because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell anyone but I will let you know as soon as possible."

"Well I don't want to hang out in your car..."

"Just go watch what we had planned and take lots of pictures for me."

"I mean I guess but I'm not going to have fun doing it without you."

"Oh boohoo you get to see famous youtubers while I sit and wait for 3 hours doing nothing."

"Whatever." Without even saying goodbye Eliza hung up on me.

"Well that was rude." I say quietly to myself.

"What was rude?" A voice startles me as the owner to it sits down. After I see that it's Mikey I stop worrying but my palms are still sweaty and my stomach still in knots. Oh the joys of anxiety.

"Uh, um, nothing. Why did you come back here aren't you supposed to be meeting people and what not?" Trying to divert the conversation to a subject that isn't about me.

"Oh I needed a quick break, grab some water, drop off this stuff from fans." He replies motioning to the large pile of things now sitting in front of me on the table I've been sitting at. "You know you can come out there with me, a lot of other YouTubers' friends hang out with them."

"Won't that be unfair because I'm just some nobody getting to be with famous YouTubers without even entering for the lottery signing? And you barely know me, if I were you I would rethinking wanting to be friends with me." I really do want to observe people and see some of my all time favorite youtubers but it does not seem right.

"Since you don't want to be seen as my friend I guess you can just take my camera and film me meeting fans and if anyone asks you are my filmer for the day." Mikey suggests.

"Cinematographer." I correct quietly.

"What?" He looks confused obviously not quite hearing me.


"So you'll do it?"

"Yeah I guess so, what exactly do you want me to film?"

"Just some shots of meeting fans and stuff." Mikey says not really answering my question. He stands up and puts his hand out to help me up. I don't use his help and get up on my own. He looks at me weird but shrugs it off. Grabbing his camera and handing it to me we are heading off to the outside of the green room.

There are so many people waiting in line and once Mikey steps out they all start screaming. Luckily before we stepped out I set up the camera so I was prepared to capture a great shot. I squatted to the ground to get a midsection angle and got him in focus with the screaming fans in the back and I did a rack focus (change focal points) to the fans.

Mikey gets to where he needs to be and looks back and sees me still in my position and laughs a little under his breath. Realizing that people are staring at me now I get up and walk over to him.

"Are you sure your fans won't be bothered that I am with you?" I ask agin just to make sure.

"Why do you keep asking that, it's not like we are dating." He says not realizing how much it hurt me but since he is watching me I guess he notices my face look pained. Quickly trying to recover from his mess up, "I didn't mean that to be rude- I'm sor- I meant-"

It makes me feel guilty that he is trying to apologize to me, "Don't worry about it. You are right. It's not like you would ever date me." I try to play it off casually but that pains me to say. I step back and put the camera to my face so he can't see my facial expressions.

For the rest of the signing I take over-the-shoulder, opposite, color, close up, wide and depth shots. I even manage to get a few groups of fans to do a quick 30 second interview while waiting in line. Also I've only over heard around 20 different girls tell me I am ugly, whorish, stupid, wanting Mikey for his fame, and saying that Mikey would never date me. Although I believe a few of those myself it still hurts to hear his fans say those things.

At about 6 o'clock we were nearing the end of the line so I put the camera down and went to stand by Mikey. Before he notices me I admire the way he talks with his fans and how great it must be to have so much support. My parents just think my YouTube channel is only a hobby that I will get over soon. Most of my friends are subscribed but very few of them actually watch any of my videos. So I don't have much support from people around me and I have very few subscribers meaning that barely anyone knows me.

"Wait are you Madi Jakobs?" A voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up and see a girl about 10 years old in front of Mikey looking over at me. Mikey turns and looks at me as well.

"Uh yeah." I say not really sure what to do. The girl quickly comes over and hugs me. Taken aback I first tense up but then I hug back.

"Can you sign this?" She asks holding out a poster that has been signed by many other, way more famous, YouTubers. I nod my head and quickly sign my name. "Also can I get a picture?" She asks once I finish.

Before I know it Mikey takes her phone and gets a few photos of us. "Oh gosh are you two dating?" She asks astonished looking between Mikey and me.

Mikey and I look at each other and not wanting to break her spirits I don't say anything. Instead Mikey gets down on her level and says "Well Madi and I just became very good friends after I saved her but we aren't dating." The little girl pouts a bit and I feel very sorry for her. Like Mikey did I kneel down to be on her level and hug her.

"Can I take a picture with both of you though?" She asks still a bit upset that Mikey and I aren't together.

"Sure!" Mikey and I both say. Mikey still has her phone so he flips the camera and takes some photos as we all change different facial expressions. Before the girl goes back to her mom she hugs us both again.

That was my first fan experience.

It was great.

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