Chapter 9

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"Exactly how long do we have until the closing ceremony?" I ask Eliza, really just wanting to know how long do we have to awkwardly walk around while people take my picture.

"Well if we want good seats we will have to head over in 20 minutes." She replies while checking her phone. "Just hang in there."

I nod in agreement. My mind won't slow down long enough for me to say anything out loud. I don't really want Mikey to find me but I want to see him and talk with him more. He was so great but I don't want to seem like I am taking advantage of him.

All of a sudden there is a loud banging sound coming from behind us. We also hear lots of feet hitting the ground.

"Must be some famous YouTuber." I scoff to Eliza. She gives a short laugh in response. The noise keeps getting closer but I don't have the motivation to turn around.

Out of no where there is a hand on my shoulder and I scares me so much that I scream, jump and nearly fall to the floor. As I recover I turn to see that the mysterious hand belongs to none other than Mikey Murphy.

"We've got to stop running into one another like this." Mikey says referring to when we first met and I fell off a couch. I am too shocked to say anything, I just stare at him. Eliza clears her throat to get my attention.

"Oh yeah, hah yeah I guess." Is about all I can manage.

"So are you going to the closing ceremony?" Mikey asks Eliza and me.

"Yeah we were just about to head there to find some good seats." I answer trying to act normally.

"Well I think I could get some pretty great seats if you would like to join me." Mikey says gesturing his arm in the direction of the main stage.

I look to Eliza who nods at me. I'm just about to say sure when I notice the group of people grouped around taking pictures of this encounter. Ignoring them I go in the direction that he points with Eliza by my side and Mikey trailing right behind.

"Oh I forget to introduce you guys." I realize, "Eliza this is Mikey, Mikey this is Eliza." They nod a hello and Mikey leads us to the main stage. "Anyway what are these great seats you are talking about?"

"Well since I'm allowed to be backstage I thought that I would ask you to join." We enter the door to behind the stage with a bit of problem with the security buffs but in the end it worked out fine.

Eliza and I get some photos of the hosts on stage and talk with some of our favorite youtubers backstage. Right now I am talking with Connor Franta and Tyler Oakley about their successful careers.

"You seem awfully interested is the working side of YouTube." Tyler says questioningly.

"I noticed that too and Mikey told me that you got some really nice shots of him with his fans. How did you learn about it?" Connor asks, although I don't think they really care about my life's backstory.

"Well I recently finished a film class that uses top of the line equipment. I learned how to work a VariCam which I've seen some around hear but not many considering how expensive they cost. The class taught us how to film different types of scenes and we learned a large variety of shots and angles." I'm surprised that they both look so intrigued by my rambling. "I also run a small YouTube channel for myself so I know how to work with that sort of equipment."

"Wait hold up," Tyler says grabbing his phone, "What is your YouTube channel?"

"Um it's Madi Jakobs spelt with a K" I answer while Connor and Tyler type on their phones. "You guys don't have to watch any of my stuff or anything." Suddenly really ashamed of everything that I have on my channel.

"Don't fret child it's probably great." Tyler reassures me while he is still typing away on his phone.

"Here put your contact info in here so we can collab sometime." Connor says as he hands me his phone. I enter my info and send a text to myself so I can have his as well. Tyler does the same with me.

Someone puts there hands on my shoulders and I look up to see who it is. Smiling seeing the curly hair and glasses of Mikey. "Did you need something Michael?"

"Nah just came to hang out. Where did Eliza go?" He asks as he moves to sit next to me on the love seat across from Connor and Tyler.
"Oh she left about 10 minutes ago, she had called her mom to come pick her up, she was getting tired and I understand. It's been a long couple of days."

Right as Mikey was about to say something my phone buzzed notifying me of a tweet.

@TylerOakley: I just met such an awesome aspiring YouTuber @MadiJakobs You guys should check out her channel

"You didn't have to do that Tyler." I say knowing that I am blushing and close to tears from happiness.

He shrugs it off and says that he needs to go. We hug and he leaves to go back onstage. Connor goes as well and tells me that if I ever want to hang to just text him.

"So what other activities do you have planned for today?" I ask Mikey as I turn to face him.

"Well if you didn't want to drive home tonight you can stay with a few of us in our hotel rooms. Also I think we are having a party somewhere. If you want to go of course."

"Sure why not I just have to call my parents and make sure it's ok."

"I will let you do that, just meet me back at the hotel room I will text you the room number."

"Alright thank you so much." I say as we exit into the bright outside.

"No problem, I'll see you in a bit." Mikey waves to me as he heads to his hotel.

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