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OK so this book is not meant to offend ANYONE I just thought of the idea and it isn't because of Louis new situation and this story is also not meant to offend Larry believers either.
Also if I catch anyone that had copied this story in anyway I'm not afraid to prosecute, Thankyou.

I waited silently by the phone waiting impatiently the next day I tried occupying my time by cleaning and watching but most of the time I found myself waiting by the phone. I decided to take a quick bathroom break when the phone rings I quickly grab the phone out of the cradle and put it to my ear, "Hello?" I answer my voice shacking.
"Hi is this Jennifer White?" The voice on the other end asks.
"Yes that is me."
"We're happy to inform you that you have gotten the job please come visit Modest Managements office by five o'clock if you accept this job offer." She hangs up before I can respond. I look at the clock it's four thirty. I better get going.
Louis POV
"Louis we've found the perfect girl for the job." Simon Cowell says gleeflly.
"Great when can I meet her?" I ask.
"Today actually she'll come around in about thirty minutes."
"So you definitely think this will fix Harry and I's problem?" I ask.
"I'm positive, you won't have any problems from now on." Simon says.
"Great thank you. Harry and I might actually be able to fix out relationship." I say gleefully. Harry and I have been put into a bromance by our fans and some people actually believe it. This rumor has driven Harry and I apart when we used to be so close. It's even destroyed some of my relationships with my girlfriends. My girlfriend started believing the rumors I also received hate messages for being gay when I'm not, I've received death threats it needs to stop and this is the way to go. Ive decided, with the help of management to hire an actress to play the role of my pregnant girlfriend. Hopefully the hate and torment will end after this, or at least slow. I know I'm naive but I can at least hope. I waited anxiously in the office as Sion went out to do errands. A knock on the door sprang me to my feet. I quickly answer to find a lovely young women standing before me her jet black hair was a curly mess, probably from the wind and she was nervously clutching a bag.
"Hello um... is this the right room?" She asks.
"Are you Jennifer White?" I ask.
"Yes." She says.
"Hi I'm Louis come on in." I say.
Jennifer POV
I step inside awkwardly and take a seat in one of the chairs in front front of the impressive desk. The desk plate reads Simon Cowell in bold font. "This is Simon Cowell's desk?" I ask curiously at Louis who sat in the other chair next to me.
"Yeah he'll be in here in a few minutes." He says smiling kindly. I gingerly smile back. A few seconds later Simon comes in cheerfully I don't think he notices me because he goes straight to his desk only when he sits in his large office chair that he sees me sitting there.
"Oh you must be the new hire. Jennifer right?" He asks. I nod silently smiling.
"I'm guessing you've met Louis." He says.
"Only briefly."
"Well your going to want to get to know him really well, your going to spend the next nine months with him." Simon says.
"Nine months with him? What is the job?" I ask.
"Well Louis do you want to give the details?"
"Sure, since I'm the one requesting this job be fulfilled." He says as I get suspicious.
"So I'm basically paying you to be my girlfriend." Louis kind of blurts out.
"What?" I was shocked.
Wait. Why? "You know I'm Pregnant right?" I ask.
"We know that's one of the reasons why we hired you."
"Why though?"
"So are you a fan at all?"
"Um yeah I like your music and stuff but I don't know everyone in the bands name or anything like that." I say.
"Well our fans created bromances for us, they ship me with someone in the band, they have ship name for each of us together a more dominant bromance seems to be Larry Stylinson which is Harry and I. Some of our fans are convinced that Harry and I are romantically involved. Which is basically ruining my and Harrys friendship. It's also ruined some of me and Harry's relationships with out girlfriends, were both single at the moment and there is a reason for that. I know at least for me I'm nervous about getting into a new relationship because my past girlfriends have gotten suspicious and it ruins the relationships. Ive also received death threats, my family has and Harry has. All either threatening me to either come out as being gay or to stay in the closet. I'm not gay I can promise you that."
"So you want me to be a cover up?" I ask.
"Yes if your comfortable with that." He asks his eyes looked to be pleading with me.
"Just one question why are you hiring a pregnant women?" I ask.
"Because all the Larry believers would never believe if I just had a girlfriend they'll think she's aoverup. If she's pregnant with by baby no one is going to question it."
"So everyones going to think the babies yours?" I squeak out.
"Yes you will only be able to tell a select few of people, your parents, your boyfriend, if you have one and a trustworthy friend." He syas.
"I don't have a boyfried. Don't you want to know who the father is." I ask.
"If you think I should know." Louis says.
"Well I was engaged to be married about six weeks ago my fiancee was killed in a horrific car accident and died instantly. Adam and I were in love and it was the worst possible thing to ever happen." I say my voice cracking and tears fill my eyes I quickly wipe them away.
"Jennifer I'm so sorry. A-are you... Do you still want the job?" Louis asks queitly.
"Yes, I need the money." I admit.
"Well here's the contract you can read over and sign it when you choose." Simon says sliding the packet to me. I briefly scan it and sign and date it.
"Here you go." Simon says handing me a piece of paper as I glance over it my eyes widen. It was a check for 10,000 dollars.
"That is your payment for signing the check and the agreements. You will get paid every two weeks near this amout."
"Ok thank you so much. Please call me when Im supposed to work. Bye." I stand and go and Louis follows me out. "How far along are you?" He asks casually.
"Six weeks." I say instinctively putting my hand to my stomach.
"Where do you live? Do you want me to take you home?" Louis asks.
"Oh no that's OK I only live a few blocks away."
"Are you sure? It'd be no bother." He says. I was going to have to get to know him sooner or later.
"Alright thank you." I say. When we get to his car he opens the door for me I'm a little surprised only Adam has ever gone out of his way to do that for me.
"Thank you." I say sliding in, trying hard to look a little graceful. He smiles warmly as he shuts the door. I tell him my address and we sit in silence. Talk about awkward moment. I built up the courage and turn to him, "So how's your tour going?"
"It starts next week, it'll be our biggest tour yet we're playing stadiums you know."
"Is it nerve-racking at all?"
"It can be but when you got four best friends on stage with you the nervousness evaporates and it's just fun." Louis says I smile.
"I heard you've written some of the songs. Is it hard?" I ask, " No it can be challenging at times but we work in pairs so it doesn't get that hard."
"Who did you work with?" I ask curiously.
"I worked with Liam mostly."
"Do the boys know about me?" I ask "You hiring me?"
"They know I have a girlfriend that I've kept hidden from them for the past six weeks. Our relationship started as just as a one night stand but then it turned to more after I started falling for you." I make a face.
"What? What's wrong with it?"
"I don't believe in a one night stand it's just weird to think about people who know each other for maybe two hours and have sex. " I say.
"I guess your right but we already told the story. Plus we already had a decoy of you seen going into the hotel six weeks ago, the magazine is releasing our story in a week." Louis says.
"The story works but I don't think I'd be that irresponsible. What are you going to say when they blame you for not using a condom?" I ask.
"I did it just broke it happens but it's rare but it does happen."
"So your not totally irresponsible?" I ask
"Nope no totally." He says cheekily.
"Is this your stop?" He asks gesturing outside the window at my apartment complex.
"Oh yeah, thank you." I say.
"Anytime girlfriend." He says emphasizing the last word.
"Bye boyfriend." I say grinning. I step out and wave good bye as he drives off. As soon as my apartment doors open I'm being bombarded with question.
"Did you get the job? How much are you getting paid. Who do you work for?"
"Conner slow down, lets sit down first." I say.
"Okay Okay." He leads me to the couch I sit slowly as he plops down.
"Tell me everything." He practically yells.
"Okay so I did get hired, this is my first check." I say holding it out for him to see.
"10,000!!! For what?"
"Agreeing to the contract." I say.
"Wait what we your actually going to do it? Whatever it is?" He asks.
"I'm going to act." I say.
"As what for what? For a tv show? A movie? commerical?"
"As a girlfriend." I say.
"Wait hold up. What?"
"Your now looking at the new girlfriend for a world wide superstar." I say.
"Who? Who??? WHO!?!" He practically yells.
"Can't say but you'll find out sometime next week or later."
"Is it a singer? In a band?" He asks.
"Yes and Yes but thats all I feel like telling you." I say winking.
"Rude." He says pouting.
"Sorry I can't tell you you'll just have to see it for yourself."
"Ok fine. But that's a hell of awesome!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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