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Six weeks and one day ago-

"Papa how do I look?" I ask spreading out my wedding dress.

"Absolutely stunning Adam is a lucky man." My papa says. "Your mother would have loved to see this day."

Mum passed away a few years ago from cancer. "She's here papa she's watching." I say. From the day she passed I always felt her presence with me. I know she wouldn't have been very happy that Adam and I decided to make love the day before our wedding but we couldn't wait we where so happy.

A frantic knock sounded from the other side of the door. "Come in." I say looking towards the door.

Matthew my best friend and Adams best man flew into the room years stained his cheeks. "Matt what's wrong." I ask quietly as I tightened my grip on my dress.

"Adams been in a car accident." Matt says.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Jen I'm so sorry." Matt sniffles. "He d-died instantly."


"Jenny you need to find a job. I know it's been six weeks but you really need to get your life together." Matt says beside me.

I send a glare his way. "How would you like it if your fiancée died on your wedding day and you were pregnant!" I practically yell.

"A. That would be awful. B. I know how you feel, he was my best friend. C. I'm a guy so I can not get pregnant." Matt says.

I role my eyes. "I just want what's best for you." He says more gently.

"I know. I know I shouldn't have quit my job before the wedding." I say.

"You hated that job though and your an extremely skilled person it won't be that difficult for you to find another job. Didn't you used to want to be an actress maybe you could try out for some roles for like commercials and stuff." Matt suggests.

"Maybe, I don't know." I say.

"You could apply for actress jobs while you apply for regular." He says. "Here j let you use my computer." He hands it to me and get to work growing though jobs for acting while Matt helped by looking for regular jobs.

I saw an interesting ad looking for an actress. 'full time job pays extremely 24/7 acting job' I clicked on the link and it brought me to a black page with a description of someone they were looking for. 'Looking for female in her twenties, pretty, slim and can handle pressure and criticism.' It gave an address and time slot for when to try out. There was an email address to send my pro-folio and resume, which I quickly sent, which I thankfully had on my USB.

"Have you found anything yet?" Matt asks in deep concentration.

"I found one, I sent my resume in and I'm planning to go and audition hmm tomorrow and five." I say.

"Wow that's awesome! I found some too and I put in your resume."

"Thanks Matt your awesome."

Next day-

The line to the door was fairly large but I stood there patiently, I had brought a paperback with me and silently read as I waited in the line. When I got to the front of the line I had to fill out a form."

Single? Yes

Under 150 lbs? Yes...

Kids? No

Pregnant? Yes

It so how far along? Six weeks.

If was pretty lengthy with a bunch of odd random questions and when I handed it too the lady she quickly skimmed through it looked up at my face then my stomach then nodded my though. I ignore the look she gave my and headed inside.

I had to wait a couple minutes before the audition started then a man let me through the previous girl rushed out her face red. There was a life size man doll in the center of the room. I go stand next to as I'm instructed.

They told me to act like it was my boyfriend and they told me to show simple public affection to the doll. I held its hand smiling up at its face, they had my pretend I was talking to it and a bunch of other weird stuff. Then they said I was done and to wait in the hall outside. Only one other girl was out there and she looked to be two months pregnant.

So are they looking for pregnant women or is it a coincidence?

Only four other women came in and stayed about fifty others left. A woman on my left looked about ready to pop from her pregnancy. "It seems they're looking for pregnant women." One of the girls whispers to her friend.

Two people come in, a man and a women. The man looks around and his eyes land in the pregnant lady that looked about eight months. "I though I told you only a month pregnant at the latest!" He whispers the the woman.

The woman eyes widen and she quickly excuses the other lady.

"We have discussed who should stay and who shouldn't. We have two finalists Jennifer W. and Ashley M. The rest of you should go, thank you for your time." He waits for the room to clear out except for us two.

"The boss will decide between you two we'll notify you." The man says and then we leave awkwardly.

So at least I have a fifty fifty chance. Please hope I get it, I need this job.

Sorry it's so short please one comment to continue.

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