Chapter 9

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POV: Liam

~3 weeks later~

Niall’s hand has healed up quite well. It’s almost back to normal but it’s going to leave a nice scar. I’m surprised it has healed up so well considering that it is our little care-free Nialler we are talking about. But, Elizabeth has been taking care of him very well. She’s good for him. Really good for him.

To answer the question you’re all asking, yes, they are a couple.

It was weird at first but it has become so natural to see them together that it is weird that we had a life before these four girls. They aren’t the only couple now though. Abigail and Louis have become soulmates. I think it is good for him since Eleanor. He deserves someone who makes him happy and I am glad that Abigail is that person.

You’d probably expect Alexandra and Harry to be together now though huh? Well, they aren’t. It’s a shocker. Harry has tried asking her out on a date multiple times and she excepted once but regretted it for some reason. Her and Harry have really become the bestest of friends in this short time but he wants more and she won’t take it. She’s always super cautious around him and whenever he asks her out on a date, she looks as if she is about to cry. No one knows why. It’s a shame though because they really do work well together.

Now, last but not least, my best friend and best mate are sadly together. Yes, Monica and Zayn. And yes I did say sadly. It is official for he asked her a week ago and now they are inseperable.

God I want to punch something.

He doesn’t deserve her! After his past, she would be good for him but he doesn’t deserve her. At all. She deserves so much better! I am just trying to look out for her. Why did he have to pick her? Why did she have to pick him? it doesn’t make sense! He will ruin her!

She deserves someone like me.

Yes, I do fancy her. A lot. Just think about it though! I mean we are best friends. We are emotionally as close as Alexandra and Harry and almost on that physical level too. Now we barely speak to each other as she is always with Zayn. It just isn’t fair! If her and I were together, life would be perfect. Literately.

We’d just be another case of best friends that fell for eachother.

I need to win Monica over. She is just to perfect for me to let her go. I know it is very very wrong of me but I can’t help it. I have always been Daddy Direction. I have always been worrying about the boys and their happiness. Never about myself. Not once. I’ve gone through hell just for these boys to be happy.

Can’t I be selfish just this once?

Don’t I deserve some happiness? Don’t I deserve to think about myself for once? Can’t i? ugh. I don’t think I can. I can’t do this to my best mate no matter how much I want her. No matter how much it pains me to see her be with him. his happiness is worth my pain. All of their happiness is worth my pain. It’s what a father figure does. They worry and put their ‘children’ before them.

I sigh as I pull up into Alexandra’s flat. Well, it is more of what people call a house because it is quite big. I really don’t want to be here but SHE invited me and I just can’t say no to her. I don’t think I ever could.

I get out of my car. I then close the door and just stand there, looking at the building. I can’t bring myself to go inside. I can’t watch them together. I don’t think I could bear the pain. It wouldn’t be so bad if their was someone I could really talk to but as they are all in relationships, I am not only a third, fifth, seventh, but ninth wheel!

“Hey Li.” A familiar creepy voice says awakening me from my trance.

I turn around and see the girl that Louis used to be crazy over. The girl that the lads and I all hated. The girl that caused so much press. The girl that stalked Louis.

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