Chapter 7

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POV: Elizabeth

I am pacing in the waiting room. I am too nervous, too impatient to see if he okay. Why did i let him help? ugh this is all my fault. i let an international popstar get burned. i am suprised that a bunch of reporters havent showed up. this is a really juicy story.

ugh. i feel so bad.

"Um ma'am," a nurse interupts my deep internal thoughts and pacing then continues while extending a hand which i shake, "I am Ms. Weberston, Niall's doctor and you must be his uh girl-"

"friend. just his friend." i interupt her.

"oh okay. well, his hand is in pretty bad shape. i didnt think it would be that bad but he handled it pretty well. i am going to run and grab him some pescriptions but you may go and see him but he's going to be out soon since we gave him so drugs." the doctor continued.

"okay thanks." i say.

i immediately start walking to his room. well, correction, i practically ran. i am too excited. i stand outside his door for a minute so i can catch my breath.

i walk into his room with a concerned look on my face. i could immediately tell that they drugged him. i dont care though. i walk over and sit on a chair by his bed. he seems okay now.

i give him a kiss on his cheek knowing he wasnt going to remember a thing, plus its custom in England. He looks at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Elizabeth!" he shouts.

"Niall." I say void of emotion.

"how long have you been there?" he asks me loopily like.

"i just got here."

he laughs, "well i missed you!.... you know what, i fancy you." he grins.

what the hell does fancy mean?

"Oh well i um fancy you too then?" I respond confused as all hell.

Niall grins up at me with a retarded grin. Oh no. What did i do?

"How is your hand?" I ask trying to avoid the subject. He holds up his hand and i see that it's all bandaged up.

"It hurts a lot, the nurse said it was a third degree burn which i dont know what that means but i believe it's bad." He chuckles then yawns.

"Well man up because youre going to get better." I tell him while grabbing a blanket to tuck him into.

"Whatre you doing?" He asks pointing to the blanket.

"Youre tired."


"Yes you are so i am going to go..."

"Youre mean"

"Get used to it"

He chuckles again, "i wasnt lieing when i said i fancy you. Thank you for getting me here as soon as you could. You probably did it faster than any of the lads could." I smile remembering my crazy driving.

"Anytime. Their's no way i'm going to have the paps yell at me although i probably wouldnt care." I smile.

"Can you stay here with me? I'd rather not be alone because i have a fear of hospitals." He asks.

"Sure" i sigh.

He grabs my hand and squeezes it. I squeezed his hand back but not as tight for i dont normally do this. Its weird. He just looks at me and tries to have conversation but i only give him one word boring answers so eventually he was bored to sleep.

I stroke my fingers through his hair as i get lost in thought about a book i have been reading which gave me an idea. It's worth it right? When am i going to get another chance like this? I mean he is my idol.....

Awe fuck it.

I lean over not caring of the consequences and peck his lips lightly. The strange thing though is the fact that he said something along the lines of "fancy" and i giggle remembering that i read on some sight that he talks in his sleep which i think is really cute.

I continue stroking his hair and thinking of what i have just done with no regret. I eventually tire myself out though and fall asleep at his bedside...


Sorry it took so long guys!

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