Chapter 1

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this one is my second story but originally the first written. i hope you all like this one too. well, here it is


POV: Alexandra

Monica, Elizabeth, Abigail, and I are having a girls night. We are going to watch movies, do our nails, make-up, eat a lot of junk food, talk about boys, and gossip. You know, the typical teenage girl stuff.

Monica is being really annoying though and she hasnt been able to put down her phone since the movie has started. We decided to watch 'John Tucker Must Die', the most hilarious movie ever and Monica is normally way into it but not tonight. She never ever texts anyone but Elizabeth who is here so this isn't normal.

"Monica, put your phone down. You're missing the whole movie!" Abigail, her younger sister complains. Monica says dramatically. "Im sorry guys. It's just that Liam has been having some problems with Adeline. Would it be okay if he came over?" she asks. We all sigh. Liam and Adeline have so many problems that it isn't even funny. They just need to break-up already.

"Yeah, that's fine." I answer her. "God you are so lucky! It's no fair that you of all people are friends with One Direction!" Abigail screams. I agree. "I am not friends with One Direction, just Liam of One Direction." Monica sasses.

Ugh. It is totally unfair because I knew about One Direction before all of them. I even got made fun of because of it. Even Monica used to make fun of me. It was horrible. Then about a month or so later, everyone loved them. I was and still super upset about it. I mean, Monica didnt even know who Liam was when she met him at the super market! It is very unfair. I mean, Liam wasn't my favorite member of One Direction but it would still be a great honor to meet him because I still love him.

"SHUT UP!" Elizabeth yells while eating a churro interupting my internal rant. Aparently Monica and Abigail got into a fight while I was thinking. I wish I would've actually focused so I could have wittnessed it.

I muffle a giggle. I steal a churro from Elizabeth's stash and thankfully she doesn't even notice. I stuff it into my mouth totally pigging out. We really get into the movie then.

I start painting my nails. I, for some very odd reason, am in a really girly mood. "Hey Monica, can you curl my hair?" I ask her. She doesn't look to pleased but she does it anyway. I owe her haha. I am going to look so funny. My brown hair is going to be done up curly looking weird against my pale skin. Plus with my Baggy T-shirt and blue silk booty pajama shorts? wow. Talk about a weirdo.

Monica's brown hair with caramel streaks is pulled up into a bun which wasn't very normal. Her brown eyes don't stand out to much. Her favorite basketball shorts that were once my uncles stood out against her tanness. Her green tank top is very revealing but I understand because if i had boobs that were as big as hers, i couldnt keep them in a shirt either.

Abigail doesn't do anything with her ginger hair as it flows freely down her shoulders. Her brown eyes dont stand out either. Her skin is barely less tan than Monica's skin. She wears pink Pajama pants and a black tank top.

Elizabeth is still in her normal clothing. She thinks that Mexicans don't need to wear pajamas. She is so racist against herself in a funny way. Her beyond long hair is still up in a pony tail as per normal.

I begin to regret what I am wearing as I hear a knock on the front door. Liam must be here. Monica goes to let him in. They both come back and she finishes my hair.

I have to try very hard to control the urge to not fangirl because, well, I am in a room with Liam Payne. It gets easier for me as time passes by but it is obvious that Abigail is struggling big time while Elizabeth is actually blushing. Amazing because I have never seen her do that.

Monica introduces us all after my hair is done. It's really nice and I catch Liam up on our movie so he can watch it as per normal. He was actually starting to get really into it when his phone rang. He has to get up and leave the room so he can answer it.

After awhile, he comes back. "Hey, the lads would like to know if they may come to your flat. Niall is very protective and comforting. The lads and him would like to cheer me up but I don't want to leave." his thick deep accent carries across the room. I see Elizabeth blush. How cutee! I mean, Niall is her favorite member and he's been the only one to make her get protective yet soft at the same time and she doesn't even know him!

Everyone looks at me since I am the main owner of the flat. I sigh because I dont really have a choice now do I? what harm could four more boys do...? plus if they're boys of One my house...? "Umm. sure?" i say unsure.

"Yes!" Liam shouts really happily. He then leaves the room temporarily to tell them how to get here. The girls all look super nervous like how i feel. Liam comes back in all smiley. He looks at me as if making sure it still is okay. I smile reassuringly.

Now I really regret my choice of clothing.....


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