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Dels POV

I hadn't told Hazel and Alaska what I planned to do. I don't know why but I just didn't want to tell them. I wanted it to be my secret. And besides, I wanted Calum to myself.

I put on my favourite coat and get out my Surface Pro three thats on my table. After I log into Skype I quickly go to the bathroom to fix my hair, makeup and clothes. I had to look perfect.

Yesterday after Hazel and Alaska left I direct messages Calum and asked if he had Skype. I had to wait a long time for his reply but it was all worth it to get his response.

adele_karpluk : Your Skype username is calloveswater¿? Hahaha
@calumhood: Well it's true, I do love water
adele_karpluk: I do not doubt that

Our conversation had ended shortly after that but not before I asked him if he was free tomorrow to Skype and get this, he was! So now I am sitting on my laptop waiting for Cal to come online. Which should be soon.

I decide to stalk his account while I wait for him to come online. His profile pic is very confusing. It's basically all black with a green tick in the top left corner. I wonder what that means? I will ask him when we Skype call. His bio is pretty plain, just saying 'I like music'. I immediately change my bio to say the same thing. Now me and Cal had something else in common. Lastly, I look at his about section which reads 'I don't know much about you, but you know lots about me'. What was that supposed to mean? I thought he said he hadn't used this account since he'd been in 5sos.

I almost scream when I here a pop sound, signalling Cal had come online. Now what to do. Should I message first? Nah, he should. But what if he is waiting for me to message him? I continue to argue with myself until I get a message.

@calloveswater: um hello

Oh man! He had been waiting for me to message him. Why did I second guess myself!
I quickly type 5 different responses before choosing the coolest one.

adele_karpluk: Heyy

Why isn't he responding?! Omg I can't take this I'm gonna text him something else. Before I have the chance to however, my phone starts ringing. I glance at the caller ID. It's Alaska. She's going to have to wait. I decline the call and turn my attention back to Cal. Hmm maybe I should say-... My thoughts are cut of by Alaska ringing me again! Well Cal isn't replying so I guess I will answer.

"What Alaska?" I snap immedietly regretting my tone, "Sorry"
There's a pause on the other end of the phone until Alaska speaks.

"I was just wondering what you were doing cause Hazel and I have been talking and we think we should try and Instagram direct him all together so that way we will all be in the message"

Oh no. What do I say to that?
Oh sorry Alaska but I have already messaged him and we are on Skype talking right now!
Yeah, lying sounds like the way to go.

"Um right now I'm kinda busy so maybe tomorrow? But that sounds like a great idea" I tell Alaska.
Why did I have to direct messages him secretly? I should have waited for Alaska and Hazel cause now I feel bad.

"Alright" Alaska says, "well... Cya"

I have to fix this. I don't want Alaska and Hazel to be mad at me if or when they find out what I have done. Calum still hasn't replied to my message but I decide it doesn't matter if I text twice. I mean, I'm lucky I made this far! I didn't expect him to even give me his Skype cause I'm just some crazy fan. But he did give me his Skype name. That must mean something right?

I type the one sentence and press send. I have no regrets but I hope he responds.

adele_karpluk: Can you do me a favour?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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