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A/N: okay so this scene is just going to be written in one persons perspective so you won't find out everything in this chapter. Little bits from this night will appear throughout the book. And really sorry adele_karpluk and alaska_young2001 if this is not what you wanted. Sorry!

Alaska's POV

I had Dreamt of this moment so many times, what I was going to say when I met him. But now when he was standing before me my mind was totally blank.

"H-hi" I start. Where was I going with this again? Oh yeah.
"Your Mikey Clifford right? I love your music!"

Wow. Of course he knows he's Mikey Clifford!? What was wrong with me??

He chuckles. "Yep, that's me. I'm glad you like our music."
I nod and take a step closer. "Your music literally changed me and my friends life. I'm Alaska, by the way."

I see his eyes glow at the mention of my name. "Alaska" he muses, "That such a pretty name. Is there a meaning behind it?"

He thinks my name is pretty. HE thinks MY name is pretty. Wait what did he ask me again?

"Um, I got my name legally changed to Alaska when I was 12 after reading this book called 'Looking for Alaska'. Have you read it?"
He shakes his head.
"Well" I continue "The main character in that book is the kind of person I want to be and plus the name is hell cool"

"You've got that right!" He replies flashing me his award winning smile.

I can't believe MIKEY CLIFFORD is talking to me! This is the greatest moment of my life. I smile to myself feeling the happiest I've felt in a long time.

I am waken out of my thoughts by him clearing his throat. "Do you want a photo or something?"
I nod. "Yes! Of course!" I exclaim.

I turn around to see that Hazel is chatting to Luke and Ashton, and they all seem very involved with the conversation. How could she talk to them so easily? It was definitely unfair. I hear Del laughing and see that she is taking selfies with Cal but thankfully looks up and our eyes meet.

"Do you guys wanna do a group photo?" I yell.
Hazel yells back a yes and a Del starts to walk over.

As we group up Del hands her phone to the receptionist to take a photo. I take my place next to Mikey and get ready for the picture. The lady is about to take the photo when Mikey leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

I try my best not to scream/faint.

The rest of the night is a blur. I get a photo with every one of the boys and take a video of the boys and me talking, so people know that it's not photoshopped. This was real. I also make sure to get autographs for Gabby.
I think at about 3am Hazel decides we should head home. I wanted to stay here forever.

The boys agree that they should head back to their room and I am forced to say one last goodbye.

After waving goodbye to the boys Mikey and I lock eyes and I don't care what everyone else is doing.

"Cya later Alaska" he says.


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