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Shoutout to my friends alaska_young2001 and adele_karpluk who are featured in this story 😂 tbh I don't really know what this is.

Written from Alaska's POV:

I run up to Hazel and Del in the mall almost pushing them over. I hadn't seen Hazel as much as I have wanted to since we moved to different schools.

"Alaska!" Hazel says as a greeting smiling as she hugs me back. "Nice shirt".

I glance down to look at the shirt I'm wearing and remember I put on my fav 5sos tank top where I put a love heart around Mikey's face. I was also wearing my 5sos beanie I bought from their concert.

"Thanks I love it too" I reply laughing.

I give Del a big hug as we start to walk off.

"So tell me about the concert!!" Hazel says to Del and I and I glance sideways at Del. Last week we had had the time of our lives at the 5sos concert but Hazel couldn't go because her mum wouldn't let her.

"It was amazing" I admit
"Life changing" Del agrees.
The smile doesn't change that's on her face and I take that as a good sign that she's okay.

"I bet it was!!" She replies, "Were they good live?"

I nod violently. "Oh my God yes, there voices were incredible. I was like bawling half the time cause they were actually there! I still can't believe they were I front of me"
Hazel laughs.

"Same! I think everyone cried in Amnesia, I'm not even kidding" Del adds and we both sigh remembering the amazing night we had.

"To bad they have left Adelaide" Hazel says and I nod.

"No they haven't" Del says and both our heads snap towards her.

"What?!?" We say in unison.

"Their staying at the Casino for a few days to wear off their Jet-lag."

"Cool!" Hazel says and I nod in agreement. This was beyond cool. They were still here! And I was gonna to go to them.

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