The Adventure Begins

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Chapter 19

As soon as they walked in they saw the rides and other fun thing they could do
The thing Parker wanted to do was go the 'The Sorcerers Magic Kingdom' but Parker knew he had to go with someone so he asked "Dad can you take me there" parker pointed towards the Magic Kingdom then Booth said "Let max take you we can take the twins while Max take you and Christine to the Magic Kingdom are you ok with that" booth asks Max and Parker at the same time and they nodded.

Max, Parker, and Christine run off towards the direction of the Magic Kingdom while Booth and Brennan smile at each other while they watch them that's when Booth says "Bones why don't we go to the Animal Kingdom"
"Yeah sure why not it could very stimulating for the twins" Brennan says so they both nodded and walked towards the Animal Kingdom.

Meanwhile Parker, Max, and Christine were walking around The Magic Kingdom looking at all the magic sorcerer stuff Parker was fascinated then Parker said "Grandpa Max" Max looks down and said "Yes Parker" he looks at Max and said "Are you happy that you came with us" Max looks down at Parker frowning "Of course I'm happy to be here I haven't had this much fun in a long time" Parker just nodded and just turned the other way smiling.

Meanwhile Booth and Brennan were sitting in Dumbo the Flying Elephant ride were the twins were sitting in each of there parents laps after they got off the ride the twins fell asleep so Booth and Brennan decided to go back to the hotel.

When they got back into their hotel room while Brennan put the twins down on the bed Booth called Max and told him they went back to the hotel to put the twins down for their naps after a quick conversation with Max, Booth hung up and said "Max said they are coming back to the hotel" Then Brennan said "To past the time lets pick a restaurant to go to like Bongo's Cuban Café or Wolfgang Puck Café.
They chose a restaurant right when the rest of the family came then Booth told they decided to go Wolfgang Puck Café to eat so everyone got ready.

------------------ At the restaurant-------------------

They were all eating their food getting ready to order desert when Van Diesel walked to their table and asked Booth where the hotel is, Booth was shocked that Van Diesel is asking him for directions so Booth gave him directions to the hotel and then Booth asked Van for a selfie he gratefully said 'yes' they took a selfie then he left Booth sat back down still shocked for the rest of the night.

Aright guys here's the next chapter I'm so sorry it took me so long I have writers block so it's pretty hard to get things done but I will assure you the chapter is coming.

After 3 more chapters of this book I'm ending it unless someone can convince me otherwise I'm ending this book

I might start a new book if all my comment on should I do give me ideas from your opinions

B⭕NES: The recovery before surprise #Wattys2016Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora