Chapter 3

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Mom's face dropped, and honestly, so did mine. Nurse Linda was out the door in a matter of seconds. Next thing I know, Dr. Harding was rushing inside with her with a pale face. "Ms. Shade, I really need to take a look at your neck... Does it hurt? Or is it sore?" He asked as he approaxhed my bedside. Mom eyed him. You got to be kidding me... "No. I'm fine." He paused when he looked at me, and without saying a word, his eyed flickered to my mother's. Uh... "I'm sorry ma'am... but I'm going to have to asked you to leave." He said. Mom looked at me for a few seconds. She hesitated to leave, but eventually she nodded to Dr. Harding and walked out, probably going to check on Lucas. I didn't give a shit at this point. All I wanted to do was leave. When Mom left, Dr. Harding sighed. "I need to look at that leg now." He told me. Okay... I had NO FUCKING CLUE what was going on at all! He took apart the bandages on my leg, and a baffled look crossed his face. "This is.... impossible." He whispered to himself. What is? I looked to my once wounded leg and saw absolutely nothing. It didn't hurt anymore.... and I could move it. What's happening to me? I don't know. I swallowed hard and took my hand to feel my skin. No. It's impossible. My eyes widened. "Um... Can I go home now?" I asked, ignoring the terrified look on hois face. It was clear to me that he was struggling to speak. "I--don't--s-s--see why not." He stuttered. Great! "You seem fine.... I'll... uh... discharge you." I couldn't help but smile! I get thag it's weird, but I didn't care. I just wanted out. I hate being told what to do, what to eat, and when I can see someone. Dr. Harding just walked out with a confused look across his face. At least I'm going home!


Mom drove me home after giving me a stupid lecture about not sneaking out especially after dark... into the woods... and alone. I know... boring as fuck. I spared you from hearing it. The entire ride home was silent.we didn't even look at each other. And did anybody ask if I was okay? No. They never do.... Sometimes I would rather run away forever than to stay with my family... "You could've died!" Mom yelled as the car came to a hault at the stoplight just before turning into our street. "Like you would care..." I mumbled. She wasn't supposed to hear me, but she did. "Excuse me?" She yelled, and she stepped on the gas and quickly pulled into out driveway. The car stopped and I nearly flew forward. "You heard me!" I screamed, feeling my body tense up. "Don't you dare say that!" Mom was acting again... like she actually fucking cared! Well, she doesn't! Nobody does. Not her. Not my brothers. And sure as Hell not Lucas! I got out of the car, slamming the door behind me. I couldn't control myself... I was just... pissed off, and I don't know what I would've done if I had stayed in that car with her. I soon heard her door close and her jeels tapping on the concrete. She was following me. "Why would you say something like that?!?!" She asked, stopping me in my path by grabbing my arm. I turned back at her and narrowed my eyes. This is a good time as ever to tell her off. "Jeez... I don't know, Mom," I hissed, "Why don't you ask that fucking stranger in your bed? I'm sure he's snart enough to figure that out." I paused. "Or maybe not. Afterall... his brain is barely even the size of a peanut." I turned my back tk her and got my keys out of my bag to open the front door. I've never done anything like that before... but I wish I had. Stomping up the stairs, I fought back the tears that have failed to fall. When I got to the top, Ryan and Ross ran up to me, nearly knocking me down. Ryan hugged my legs, and Ross just stared at me with those bright eyes of his. "Sup, weirdos." I said, sniffling and running my nails through Ryan's dark brown hair. He wouldn't let me go. This is weird. They never do this... ever. "We missed you." Ross whispered. My body relaxed conpletely. "Well, I'm back, buddy." They followed me to my room at the end of the hallway. Both of them seemed pretty shaken up. I told them to sit on my bed with me for a little bit. Maybe my brothers aren't so bad afterall. "Daddy said you're dead....." Ross said, sounding heartbroken. What? Was he really that pissed? Well, fuck him! "Ow!" Ryan screamed, jumping off the bed quickly. What? Ross ran over to him and hugged him close. "What's wrong, Ryan?" I asked frantically. Then his eyed saddened. "You hurt me!" He yelled, showing me some scratches on his arm... the arm I was hugging. Fuck! How did that happen? Then I heard his footsteps disappearing as he darted downstairs. Great! Now I'm in even more trouble. "Darien! Get your ass down here!" Lucas called from downstairs. I looked at Ross desperately. And he just shrugged. "Sorry." He whispered. Then he was gone too. Fuck my life! "I said get down here!" He repeated. He better shut his fucking mouth before I shut it for him! "I'm coming! God." I yelled. Wish me luck.... Wishe him luck.

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