Chapter 1

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This place is unbelievable! I thought as I made my way through the high gates of the local cemetary called Saint Therese's Memorial. It's freaky to most, but not for us. My friends... and Jason kind of made this a hide out a few years ago. Yeah. It's pretty freaking great. This is the first time to actually see it at night though. At first I was skeptical, but not anymore. I can trust these idiots with my life. "Yo! Dare!" Jason called from inside a tumb. Sweet! I rushed to Jason's family tumb, holding my flashlight in front of me. "What's up weirdos?" I smirked. Bree looked up at me with a cigarette between her fingers. She blew out a puff of smoke and smiled at me. "What's up?" Then Zack, who was sitting right next to her nodded. He was also smoking. I looked over to Jason, who was already getting up to greet me. "Hey." He whispered. His breath smelled like alcohol and smoke. Oh fuck... He's high.... again. He lowered his head to try and kiss me... but I pulled away before he could. He sneered at me and shook his head. "What's wrong, sweetheart? You scared of me now?" He laughed. Fuck! I hate it when he gets like this. Bree stood up and stood between us, as if she would ever be able to control Jason when he's drunk and high.... no one can. My heart pumped faster and faster as Jason took a dew steps toward her. By this time, Zack was next to Bree. The scene was familiar. It's happened before... a few times. "Come on, dude. Leave her alone." Zack pleaded after stopping Jason from grabbing me again. Bree looked back at me and frowned. Why does Jason have to be like this? I get the drinking thing... but I just wish he knew when to stop. "Leave her alone?" Jason chuckled, and soon it turned into pure laughter, "Fuck off, man! It's none of your business!" Shit! His harsh tone made my palms sweat. "Bree, maybe I should just go." I said, feeling my stomach turn. I felt like throwing up. She nodded, still holding Jason from going after me. I hesitated to leave, but when I finally realized that it was the best thing to do, I looked up at Jason and said, "Bye, Jason. I'll see you tomorrow." Then, I nodded at Bree and Zack. But things took a turn for the worst, when Jason shoved Zack away from him, causing him to slam into the walls of the tumb, and punched Bree right in the face so that she harshfully fell to the ground! I was shocked. He's never done that before... now, my heart was beating so fast that I could feel my pulse through my fingertips. I've never felt this scared in my life. Jason quickly grabbed my right arm before I could react to anything. I punched and kicked... but he just wouldn't let go. He hugged me from behind and blew on my neck. I just wanted out.... "Yeah.... You're not going anywhere." He whispered into my ear. Then his hand let go of my wrist and traveled down. I wasn't about to let hin do anything to me, so I took my free arm and elbowed him in the stomach. He groaned and fell to the floor. Bree looked up at me, whiping off the blood from the side of her mouth. Zack could barely get himself up, but he did. And once he was up, he jolted right to Bree to help her. He looked at her carefully and held her head between his hands. "He fucking hit you?!?!" He yelled and started to walk toward Jason. "Zack! Stop! He didn't know what he was doing!" Bree said while I just stood there... in shock. Jason passed out... like he always does after getting high. Zack, with a tight fist, looked down at Jason with a terrifying expression on his face. At this point, I thought Zack just might kill him for touching Bree. But he lowered his fist and sighed. "You're right...." he whispered. Then hugged Bree close. I was still standing in the same exact spot... without saying a word... and tears in my eyes. I hate to think about what Jason might have done if I didn't do what I did... it scares the shit out of me. "Darien? Are you okay?" Zack asked, clearly concerned. I looked at him, shaking. "I--yeah. I'm fine." I whispered, trying not to cry. Bree searched me and smiled. It was a fake smile... you know, that smile that everybody gives you after something bad happens... the pitty smile. Of course, I had to smile back. "Look... we'll take that idiot back home... You... just get some rest, okay?" Bree finally said, after a moment of awkward silence. "You need a ride?" She asked, and Zack gestured to his truck, which was parked outside the tumb's door. I looked ouside and shook my head. "No. I'm good. I'll just walk home." I answered. To tell the truth, I just didn't want Zack to see me cry. "Okay. You sure?" Zack asked, with his eyebrows raised. I forced myself to nod. I knew that if I had to ride in the same car as Jason, I would surely lose it. I've never seen him this bad before. The last few times I've seen him, he has stopped himself.... "I'll call you." I said to Bree. Then, I made my way out of there. I didn't want to spend one more second in that place.


I had to walk through the woods in order to get home. It's just... two miles away. That gives me time to process everything. The moon was the only light I had. But the tall trees blocked out its rays. Shaddows surrounded me as I walked down my trail, and ontop of all that... it was freezing! The cold air made my teeth chatter. I guess I should've gotten a thicker coat... ugh! This couldn't get any worse! And then, of course, to prove me wrong, I trip on the roots of a tree and land on some branches. My leg began to throb, so I bit my nuckles to keep myself from letting out screams. It stung! My right leg was cut open, bleeding all over the grass. I forced myself to get up, because all I wanted to do was go home and cry. At first, I couldn't get on my feet, but soon I was able to slowly walk. I limped closer and closer to my house.... but just before I could make it out of there.... absolute darkness came over me.

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