Your Friend

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Your Friend

"You must relax."

"I apologize, my lord."

"Concentrate. Feel the energy around you." Thranduil smirked at her nervousness as he passed his pointer and middle finger over the cut Isilmë had on her cheek. "Do you try my patience?" He was definitely enjoying how easy she was to tease. Isilmë hadn't noticed yet.

Currently, the King and elleth were in one of his many private studies. He had led her away from her previous Guard training to commence teaching her the old arts of healing. It was a knack she had shown potential to being quite adept to; although, she almost killed herself while trying to save her sister. He noticed her fidget under his gaze as he seated himself before her, her face in one of his hands.

"No! Of course not, my liege. You are just..." The King caught her gaze as his eyebrow rose in question. She took in a breath and paused before trying to look away from his proximity. "You are my King. I know not how I am to proceed around you." She couldn't tell him the whole truth about how he made her too nervous and distracted to concentrate. Though, Thranduil didn't push on the subject either.

"Then do not think of me as such."

Her shocked eyes immediately looked up at him again. "How can I not? You are to be my mentor as well. It is much for one as low as I to take in."

Her humbleness was most endearing; though, it was misplaced. "Perhaps it is your most inaccurate yet humble view that makes you excel in the healing arts," the King mused. Isilmë looked at her King questioningly but knew she would not get an answer from him. "If you cannot view me as your teacher then perhaps you can come to view me as a friend when we are in private."

"As friend?" Isilmë tried to cock her head to the side but could not since the king still held her chin in his hand. "Do you view me as such?"

Thranduil paused in his ministrations and locked eyes with her again. He remained quiet as he mulled the question over in his head. The Elven-King did not have many he could, in fact, call friend. He was the King, and as such he did not have many come to him just for... spending time with him. Time he rarely had with all his official duties. Nor did he fancy the company of those who'd pass superior judgment over others for being in his presence.

He noticed Isilmë smile. "Perhaps you need one, my King. You have sat for far too long in silence thinking this over."

The King smirked at her haughtiness. "You think of me friendless?" Thranduil teased her even though it sounded like she had offended him instead.

"Of course not, you just asked me to think of you as a friend. Therefore, not only is it my loyalty you have, but my friendship as well, Thranduil." Isilmë smiled triumphantly at her King. Her sister, Aurë, would have thought her mad. In fact, Isilmë was quite sure the whole kingdom would have thought so. She would test her waters since the King was kind enough to point out they were in private. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, she thought.

The King rose an eyebrow, most amused. The audacity! Had it been anyone else, under any other circumstance, he was sure the outcome would have been much more severe than the slight pinching of her cheek. The skin easily became rosy under his touch and she beamed at him.

Her easy going personality was, if anything, a bit contagious. This was something Thranduil realized on their first or second meeting. "You are a little minx," he mused loud enough for her to hear. He appeared to be in good spirits with her so far. She'd heard first hand from both the King's son and from Tauriel how fickle his emotions could get. Isilmë was glad that she had yet to encounter that and hoped she'd be able to handle it if she ever did.

Scarlet dusted her cheeks and nose before she cleared her throat. "Yes, well... This little minx has some learning to do." She used her new moniker as she continued to smile at him. "Shall we go over the healing process once more?"

Thranduil chuckled, a noise Isilmë cherished greatly, for it was an experience she would probably not encounter again for a long time. Settling down, the air between them felt light as he finished healing her cheek and began explaining the method in which to heal... again.

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