2~ please remember me!!

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Scarlets pov.

What did he just say?! I stand there shocked and everyone's eyes were on me. I couldn't speak, my throat was dry and I was a statue. Ava walked closer to both of us and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder but it didn't do much.

"Thomas you don't know who this is?" she worriedly says. He looks at both of us and he looks frightened. He shook his head and Ava turned and gave me a hug. I didn't hug back I didn't know what to do.

Becca steps forward , "What do you remember?" She says curiously. He looks down and thinks then he says everything about his life not going into a lot of detail and he even remembers the accident but not me.

Why is it me? Why couldn't it be something little? "She is your girlfriend!" Ava says. His eyes widen and he looks at me and his eyes were first shocked then confused then sympathetic.

His beautiful brown eyes meet mine and he just stares. I break the silence and ask him how he doesn't remember me! "I don't know I-im sorry," he stutters.

He looked sorry but confused. We heard the door slide open and the doctor walked in and smiled to find Thomas awake. He walked up to him and did a few eye checks then asked if there is anything he forgot.

He looks over to me and the doctor follows his gaze. My eyes get watery and I try and hold back the tears. My boyfriend of two years doesn't even know me! The doctors eyes widen and he walks up to me and gives me a hug.

Dr Ash and I were close and we knew a lot about each other. He whispers in my ear saying he is sorry that this is happening to me that I'm the last person who deserves this.

He turns his attention back to Tommy. "Mr Sangster this is your girlfriend , Scarlet you guys have been together for over 2 years. You guys were madly in love. Do you remember that?" he says hoping he will remember something, anything.

He shakes his head. I want to crawl into a hole but I have to stay strong for Thomas, for his family and for our future.

I couldn't take this anymore. I run out of the room with hot tears running down my already tear stained face. I hear Becca call out for me but Dr Ash stops her saying she should let me cool off.

I just wanted to be alone and cry. I run into the hospital bathroom and into one of the stalls. I sit down on the closed seat and put my face in my hands. I hear the door open and gently close.

I see black heels from under the door and I immediately recognize who it was. It was the Nurse her name is Samantha. She was a nice lady who I also know very well. I'm guessing she heard about what is happening and she knew I'd be in here.

This is were I came last time when my mum was in hospital. I didn't lock the door so Sammy (which is my nickname for her) could easily get in and it was obvious where I was because you could hear my loud sobs.

She gently pushes open the door and I look up to see her face which was filled with pity. She opened her arms and I ran into her comforting body. She caressed my hair as I cried into her chest.

She calmed me down a but and I looked up at her and she gave me a small sad smile. " Love you need to be strong, you need to show Thomas the truth and help him remember. Be patient with him and most of all never give up on him or yourself!" She says soothingly.

She was right! She always knew how to make me better. I nodded my head and wiped away my tears, I stayed there for a little but to clean myself up and calm down.

After I was calm I walked out of the bathroom and into Thomas's room. As soon as I walked in Becca embraced me into a hug. I hugged back and I saw that all eyes were on me again.

Thomas's pov.

My eyes have adjusted to the bright lights and I shifted my position in the wrinkled bed sheets. I remember everyone and everything except thus girl. I got told her name was Scarlet and that she has been my girlfriend for over two years.

I tried really hard to remember her but I just couldn't. She was average height, skinny, brown eyes with long messy brown hair. She walked up to me carefully and I could tell she has been crying.

I felt another wash of guilt come upon me. I felt bad that I was causing this girl pain. She looked into my eyes and began to speak.

"Your allowed to leave tomorrow it your choice on where you want to go, I-i understand if you don't want to come to our house because you don't know me but your welcome!" She says quietly looking at the ground.

I could hear the pain in her voice and she choked at the end. I don't know her but I have this feeling that I should go to her house I mean our house?

I want to remember her I want to remember everything so if I go with my parents that won't help me and even if I did it would cause her a lot of pain.

I grabbed her hand and tingles flew up my arms but I chose to ignore it. I could tell this girl was special to me so I decided to let her in. Her eyes were full of sadness and I knew I had to go with her.

"I am going with you Scarlet, " I say unsure about my decision

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