Chapter 4

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This is a short chapter because it was added last minute!


Evelyn's POV

I'd been here for a full two weeks. And I just slept until they came to get me. Day and night I was up, times varied through when I was awake though. At this point I didn't even know what to do anymore. There was nothing for me to do! It was pointless, if I could end my life... I would.

"Get up!" A rough male voice screamed. A shoe kicked my side, making me whimper from the pain. I buried my face in my arms, lying on my stomach, I didn't want to do this today... Not today. He placed his huge hands on my side, lifting me up into his arms. My face was tear-stained. I just wanted a break. But I never got one here. He carried me to a dark room, setting me on a warm bed. I laid down, that's what they usually had me do anyways. He locked the door. "You think it's okay to just fucking ignore me?!" He yelled. I shook my head, sitting up again. He slapped me across the face, causing tears to fall as I tried to silence myself. "Speak to me!"

"N-no," I stuttered.

He rolled his eyes, "you're all a fucking waste of space, I can't wait for him to end you." Nobody ever said his name, the leader, the rest had names, but I didn't chose to remember. He left me in the room. One of two things were about to happen. I would be tortured sexually, or physically, I'd already lost my virginity to one of them. So what happened now... I didn't even care.

The leader entered the room, locking the door once more behind him. He turned to face me, slowly walking closer. "I heard you're quite a bit of trouble, Princess." He said. Touching his hands to my sides, I winced noticeably. "I guess we'll half to fix that."

He pushed me to the center of the bed, sexually it is. Kicking off his shoes and gently taking all my clothes off. He wasn't as rough as the others, unless you made him mad. He placed himself between my legs, mentally I was pleaded for him to stop. He hand caressed my inner thighs, I tried to close them but he forced them open. "I want to hear you scream for me to stop," he said breathing hot air on my clit. He reached a hand up, stroking my breasts, his thumb rolled over my nipple, as I forced a moan away. He squeezed me before returning his hand to my lower half. I was nervous, he could do this all day, or it could be quick and done with. It all really depended on what mood he was in.

I felt his tongue on my core, making me whine, I gripped the sheets with my fists as he continued. His hand wandered up and down my thighs and sides whilst he licked me.

What felt like forever passed, and he was still here. I was hurting, crying, and he knew it. As he continued to make me have another orgasm. I hated this, him, I hated everything. It wasn't even pleasurable anymore. It was just pain. His three fingers pumped in and out of my body, as I suppressed another moan. I wanted him to stop... Not being able to do anything made me angry. If I was strong, a guy, this wouldn't be happening. But then again, there was guys here too. And they were just as stuck as I was. But the guys got beat more physically than the girls did. Which somewhat I was happy and thankful for but yet not. I would rather be hot with a leather whip than to have sex daily.

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