Chapter 5

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One month in

Evelyn was just tired all the time, she rarely talked to anybody anymore, she just did what she was told to, just because she was to exhausted to do anything else. A lot of days she would get four to five hours of sleep a night, and she was up until the early hours of the morning. She lost track of what time it was, what day it was, sometimes even where she was. She started having nightmares, that Harry and Louis would leave her, lose hope, and just give up on her. Others they would adopt somebody else, and forget about her, though of course they would never, but she didn't know that. Why hadn't they come? Were they looking? Did they even want her back?

"Hey! Evelyn!" Lily hissed, hitting her arm through the metal bars.

"What?" Eve mumbled, lifting her head to look at Lily. The movement shot a pain through her body, but then again, what movement was painless at this point.

"We're getting out of here. And we need someone to fit through the bars. They're about three inches apart from each other, we think you can fit."

"Who's we? Why me?"

"We, as in everybody locked in here. You, because you're the skinniest person I've ever met."

"Thank you, I think, but no! I'll get killed." Evelyn said.

"But there's a chance you won't. If you get caught, all of us will go down with you, please Eve, you're literally the only one who can fit." Lily begged.

Evelyn took a minute to think, but in the end, she nodded. "Okay, alright. What do I do?"

"Yes! Okay, you're going to wait until the lights are off, and nobody's around, sneak out the front door, run and run until you can find help. Don't stop until you get there, it's our only chance." Lily said.

"Pressure much?!"


Evelyn laid on her back. The lights went out about eight in the morning. It was about seven thirty. Since it was daylight she wouldn't have any problem finding the door, but it was most likely locked. However Evelyn knew how to get keys. But could she do it?



Evelyn laid motionless for about five minutes after the lights turned off. She heard the last pair of footsteps exit the room, and the door slam shut and lock tight. But that wasn't the only way out. Evelyn stood up, painfully squeezing through the bars, she exhaled, shocked, she actually fit. It took a minute to force her body through, but she did it.

"Good luck Evelyn!" Lily whispered.

"I'll be back for you," Eve whispered back. "All of you."

She went to the front door, but it didn't open up to the outside, it was a set of stairs. Evelyn ran up them, upstairs it looked like an old abandoned house. The walls were painted but they're was nothing inside. She walked quickly to the door in front of her, of course it was locked. Evelyn looked around until she saw a window, which was not locked. She pulled it open, climbing up on the ledge and jumping out, it was on the first floor so it didn't hurt of anything. The bright daylight that she hadn't seen in ages hurt her eyes, she squinted until they adjusted. The place was on an empty street, just a grocery store across the street. A mother and her child were crossing the street.

"Hey you!" He yelled from behind her. He had a gun pointed at her, Evelyn didn't move. "Your not supposed to be out here." The women screamed, and he shot her in the head, as well as the child. Evelyn gasped, taking this few seconds to run.

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