Chapter 10

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Okay so I don't know if any of you were wondering or whatever, I'm NOT from the UK/Ireland, I just say 'mum' because that's what the boys call their moms and yeah. The characters live in England/Ireland, but I live in America so I don't know anything about the British land, sorry if I say anything wrong or whatever. Thank you for reading!!!


Liam and Niall had taken the books on their long drive to Harry's. Louis was still unknown, missing. Evelyn was off... getting high, like she had said she would. Or maybe she would deal.

Yeah deal.

But not drugs.

"I'm here to collect, Tomlinson," the boy spit.

"Nice you see you again, Justin. Where's my part?" She asked. "You might not want to screw me over again, don't want to repeat what happened last time you did that."

Justin glared at her, forking over five twenty dollar bills. She smirked, "pleasure doing business with you." She tossed him a pill bottle. He opened it up, as promised two French coins, a bag of crushed pills-okay maybe she did deal drugs sometimes-, and an American dollar. "What the hell do you need that shit for anyways?"

"None of your fucking business," he snapped.


"Oh! I have a new list of things you need to get in a week." He said, shoving a crumpled up piece of paper at her.


A can of Pepsi

Mentos (mint flavor)

A small bottle of headache medicine

A pocket knife

500 dollars

"How the fucking hell am I going to get five hundred dollars?!" She yelled.

"Your daddy's a bloody millionaire, you telling me he won't miss five hundred dollars?" He responded.

Evelyn shrugged. "What's my pay?"

"A thousand."

She smirked, "done."

"One small problem. I can't get the money for you until three days after you give me everything on that list." He said.

"Then. Fuck. No."

Justin sighed, "Tommo please! I really need this! Besides, if I don't get you the money I'm sure you'll find me, am I wrong?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, your not." He did a pouty face. "Fine, but I want eighty dollars when I make the delivery. Just so I'm not totally screwed."

Justin laughed. "Sure thing."

"Then I'll see you in a week." She walked passed him.

"Tomlinson wait a second!"

Evelyn groaned, "what?"

"A few of my buddies got some coke down in the empty graveyard. Little music, bonfire, it'll be nice, wanna come?" He asked, slightly nervous.

She blushed, "did you just ask me out?"

Justin grinned, "if getting high as hell counts as a date, then yeah."

"Are you going to rape me?"

"What the fuck, no way!"

Evelyn bit her lip, "then sure, why not."

He smiled, "see you there."


Evelyn decided on driving to the graveyard instead of walking like she originally planned, it was like twenty miles from her house, which she didn't think about. She tapped her hand on the steering wheel to her favorite song that played on the way there, today was one of her better days. This was, happy, for her.

Little Moments Make Us Perfect {Larry Stylinson}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon