Character Descriptions

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Here are the character descriptions of Azton and Nygall, I also added a little description of Natalie (Nygall's lover) she's not very important but thought some would like to know a little about her.


Character 1
Name: Azton Omarn (Az-ton Oh-mar-n)
Age: 230 (non-human)
Home planet: Oslora (Os-lor-a), home to thousands of Oslarians and ruled by King Nelan Omarn (Ne-lan) and Queen Sanala Omarn (San-ah-la)
Abilities: His main power is a blue light/energy like source that he can weild with his hands and create objects he thinks of. He can also fly, has advanced hearing, scent, sight and strength.
Suit: A blue skin tight base with white gloves and boots with white patterend lines. His symbol is two lightning bolts side by side (vertically)

Character 2
Name: Nygall Omarn (Ny-Gall)
Age: 215 (Non-Human)
Home planet: The same as Azton.
Abilities: Azton and Nygall's abilities are exactly the same, except Nygall's light is a red colour, and in the story, he changes to an orange and yellow colour due to sadness.
Suit: Sort of similar to Aztons but a red base with black gloves and boots and different patterned lines. His symbol is a triangle with the letter N inside of it.

Character 3
Name: Natalie Hudson
Age: 27 (Human)
Home planet: Earth
Abilities: Natalie had the ability to heal herself and others with her own touch and also could will things with her mind (telekinesis), also having advanced hearing, scent, sight and strength.
Suit: Her suit had a yellow skin tight base with black boots and gloves, a black horizontal stripe on her hip and a double black V line on her chest. She also wore a flowing yellow cape with a black eye mask to keep her identity.

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