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Everyone knows who I am, they look up to me. Everything I do and say affects people. As a 'superhero', I cannot fail Lightwood city. I am what children dream to be. I am the man that saves the city.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I was thrown into the side of the Spot-On News station. Bricks were scattered everywhere with cement dust floating in the air. If I was a normal human being, I wouldn't have survived the impact. But I'm not normal, and neither is the 'man' that threw me into the building.

"I don't know why you protect these humans, Azton." Venom dripped from the words he spoke. I slowly stood up, brushing away the rubble from my blue and white suit.

"Just because we are superior to these people, little brother, doesn't mean they have to suffer." Using one of my many powers, I willed myself into the air, coming face to face with my brother, Nygall.

"These people you have become so fond of have no purpose to this world, unlike us, they are animals, they do not care for this world or the people around them," Nygall had a fire in his eyes, burning with rage and fury, "they are mere peasants and should bow at our feet, worshipping us like the gods we are."

"Dear brother, with the powers we have, we can save this world, save them from destroying each other. This world does not deserve to be ruined, we can work together, like brothers, it can be the way it was when we were children." I extended my arms, trying to reason with Nygall.

"Save them?" he spat out, "why won't you see what I see, Azton, they do not deserve to be saved."

A bright red light erupted from his hands, exploding into a building, shortly followed were loud screams filling the streets.

"Stop this brother!" I shouted, over the loud noises of screams and sirens. "You don't have to do this, Nygall, we can return home to Oslora, together, and be a family again. Please, don't take it out on the people of earth."

"Our family was destroyed a long time ago, Azton," he laughed bitterly, his eyes once again glowing a dangerous red, "just like these worthless humans should be destroyed."

He raised his arm and aimed it at a building to my left. Lightwood Lawyers, a building full of people.

"No Nygall!" I yelled, throwing my hands up and creating a wall of blue light, just in time to shield his deadly rays.

Nygall roared in fury, "You will not stand in my way Azton!"

A strong force hit against my chest, forcing me into the walls of a building. The Half-Way-There Hotel sign tumbled on top of me, knocking the wind out of me. I grunted as pain spread through my body which was pinned to the ground. Stars flashed through my vision and I could feel the power slowly draining out of my fingertips.

Trying to regain my strength, I willed myself to lift the sign off of my body.

You will be seen as a failure, the voice in my head taunted me, is this the way you want to die, Azton? Death by a flashing sign, pathetic.

"Do you not remember what they did to my sweet Natalie?" Nygall asked, hovering back to the ground in front of me. "She was special, Azton, like us, she was different."

I could feel the light flowing back into my veins as I continued to lift the sign off of my body.

"Then they took her away from me!" He screamed, blasting another building with his rays, causing the walls to crumble from the force, "They were selfish, they wanted her powers for themselves, so they took her! They drained her power and killed her. Are these the type of people you so desperately want to save, Azton?"

With the light surging throughout my body, I gave one final push and the sign flew to the other side of the street. I rose to my feet and stood before Nygall, my eyes flickered over his shoulder and spotted  the squad of heavily armed men. One man with a dangerously huge firearm rose the weapon into the air and aimed it at Nygall.

My eyes widened in fear. "Nygall!" thrusting my arms out, I shoved him to the side, protecting him form the blast.

The pain flooded my body as soon as the blast hit my chest. I took a shaky breath, collapsing to the ground.

A scream laced with anger and rage shook the ground.

My eyes fluttered open weakly. Loose dirt floated through the air, making it hard to see the crumbled buildings, the bodies that littered the ground and the vehicles that were a light with fire.

"Azton," slightly turning my head, I noticed Nygall, kneeling on the ground, gently caressing my head in his lap, "Brother, please, no, this is all my fault."

"No," I croaked out, reaching up to wipe the tears that stained his face, "not at all, my dear brother."

A sob escaped from his mouth as his once red glow faded into a light orange. "I am sorry, Azton, I was full of rage and fury from my loss of Natalie. I cannot lose you, brother, they cannot take you from me as well."

A weak smile formed on my face and the fading blue glow danced with the now yellow glow of Nygall.

"Do not mourn me, brother." I whispered as my eyes fluttered shut and the sound of weeping faded and the light flowed out of my veins one last time.

That was it! Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it.
As the cast I have added Ian Somerhalder as Azton (Pictured above) and Jon Kortajarena as Nygall (He will be pictured on the next page). On the next page I will type up a little character description that I created with the story and a picture of Nygall.

- Beth :)

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