Romantic Breaker Arc 3 Chapter 35: Must... Destroy...

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In the barracks of frost...

After discovering that Athrylith has become gravely ill and is on the verge of dying, Piko and Olivia rush to head for the forge's kitchen. The very moment they open the door to exit the forge's main operations and work room, an entirely different venue greets them.

They see the walls and the passages turn partly clear and frost-like as if they're made of genuine ice. The place appears just like the battle garrison where the boys defended, fought and took refuge from Piko's rage during their awesome 'entity-empowered war games' (or EEWG) earlier.

However, Piko hasn't seen much of its insides since he's the only one on the opposing squad of the earlier battle.

Taking her by the hand, "Let's go!" Piko says, determined not to waste another single second.

Nodding in agreement, "Ok!" Olivia says as she clicks the room's light switch off, and then they run around the corridors of the glacial building hand in hand.

They pass the hallway then dart towards the stairs. Upon reaching the second floor, they dash and enter the right side corridor which they recalled is where the forge's kitchen is located.

When they enter the dim room, Olivia feels for the light switch on the walls near the doorway and then clicks it.

As soon as the switch is clicked, the whole mess hall quarters vanish and the vicinities of the workshop's kitchen transform into an arctic tundra.

Horrified, "What the?! No! We are already in the kitchen and now we're not?" she exclaims in distress as she glances side to side searching for an adequate source of cool fresh water.

Finding none, her tears begin to well up from feeling tense and worried for their sick SP child who is in need of urgent treatment.

Piko thinks deeply about the inscrutable occurrences happening around them, then the answer just suddenly pops into mind.

"The light switches!" He abruptly infers.

"How can this be? After we cleaned and arranged the tools you used in the main workroom, all I did was switch off the lights.

Could that have been the odd light switch that Mikuo told you about or could it have been this one that I just clicked right now? But we are not in the garage area, so why? *sniffs* I'm so sorry Athrylith! *almost crying*" Ruefully, Olivia tells him and also apologises about her recent actions. She almost breaks into tears for the guilt of causing the delay of saving Athrylith.

"Even if it is. We cannot dwell on wondering about it for another second. Don't worry. It's not your fault and I'm not blaming you. We'll pull through this. So cheer up." He says nestling her beside him.

To make her feel at ease, Piko wraps his arm around her whilst he inspects the enchanted arctic tundra in scrutiny.

"For now, I don't care about searching for my blades here just yet. What's more important to me right now is you and our child." Piko says to her with a smile then he strokes Athrylith again. Feeling his chest and hand get burnt, he grabs Olivia by the waist and hovers in great speed to find an exit out of the frosty vicinities.

"Athrylith sweetie, please hang on. I will never forgive myself if you perish because of me. So please bear with us a little longer. Please." With tears plummeting, Olivia pleads in great concern for him.

Then she ignores being unintentionally burnt by the little spherical progeny when she strokes him. Accidentally, her tears drop and splash on the dying SP child.

Athrylith gleams very faintly in response to her calls.

Whilst hovering, Piko shifts closer to her then brush his lips on her tear-stained face. Upon impulse, Olivia stops crying.

ROMANTIC BREAKER ARC 3 (Ch25-36)(A Vocaloid fiction)Where stories live. Discover now